Version: 0.0.8
** Now working in Maya 7+ **
** If you are getting a warning about solver, load the ik2BSolver plug-in via Window>Settings/Preferences>Plug-in Manager **

- IK/FK Snapping for arms/legs
- IK/FK Stretchy on arms/legs/torso/neck
- Bendy setup with twist
- Elbow/Knee locking
- Secondary FK controls
- Volume preservation in arms/legs/torso/neck
- Volume on/off switching for arms/legs
- Auto-shrink for arms/legs
- Fully scalable
*Update* - 19/10/2008
- Right Click menus on controllers for quick access to bendy/IK/FK snapping etc
- Pose Mirroring
- Dynamic Parenting (space switching)
*Update* - 04/12/2008
- Changed default rotation orders on controllers for Maya 7+
Animatik Animation from Matt LeFevre on Vimeo. =======================================================================================
1) Extract the contents of to your desktop
2) Place the ml_AnimatikGUI.mel and animatik_dagMenuProc.mel into your Documents/Maya/Scripts Directory
3) Place the ml_animatikIcons folder into your Documents/Maya/XX/Prefs/Icons Directory
4) Run Maya, and browse to the Animatik_for_Maya_7 folder, then open the file named
5) Type source ml_animatikGUI; ml_animatikGUI; into the Maya command line to load the GUI if needed
1) Extract the contents of to your desktop
2) Place the ml_AnimatikGUI.mel into your Documents/Maya/Scripts Directory
3) Place the ml_animatikIcons folder into your Documents/Maya/XX/Prefs/Icons Directory
4) Run Maya, and browse to the Animatik_for_Maya_85 folder, then open the file named Animatik_Beta_v_0_0_8_85.
5) Type source ml_animatikGUI; ml_animatikGUI; into the Maya command line to load the GUI if needed
I've taken many influences from so many people, so thanks to everyone that has ever contributed anything to do character setup to the web!
My main inspiration for this was from Christopher Crouzet's rigging reel. I found it absolutely incredible. His setups were done in XSI, and I thought I would see how I would do trying to mimic his setup in Maya - in particular his bendy setup, however, his setup is more advanced! :)
Feel free to email me if you encounter any problems or have any suggestions/questions!
You can find me at or my blog at
If you do by chance use the rig in any animations, I would be really grateful if you could mention my name in the credits.

Please use the Feature Requests to give me ideas.
Please use the Support Forum if you have any questions or problems.
Please rate and review in the Review section.