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Animus_RIG(beta) 1.0.3 for Maya

Animus Rig, a sinister looking lizard rig!

Button download


  • 2012

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:02/13/2014
File Size: 42 MB


free rig, Rig, free, maya, animation

Feature Request

tail rotation

Submitted by:gostorm gostorm
Thanks a lot Nick for a great rig :) This is soo cool. One little request I would like to make is that , the tail skinning is favoring to the default pose of the tail. But if I try to bend the tail the other way that is in negative Z value then the tail skinning kind of breaks , what am coming to say is that I am unable to get a clean shape there . I see IK tail which is a child of FK , but still unable to get a clean line. It would be really great if that gets fixed . But hey , this is a awesome rig :) thanks a lot bro :)

Comments on this feature request:

  • nickmillergenuine

    nickmillergenuine said about 11 years ago:

    Hey, thanks for downloading. I think you're right, I definitely need to work on the skinning of the tail. I'm going to do my best to fix that in the next release.

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