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Blake 1.6.0 for Maya

Free character rig for Maya

Button download


  • 9.x, 2009, 2008, 8.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:12/16/2016
File Size: 1.12 MB


Maya 2008 cannot read the file

Submitted byahobbit ahobbit

Is this rig compatible Maya 2008? I'm getting error messages saying there were errors trying to read the file. I've tried re-downloading the file but still get the same messages.

Note: I also am getting the same messages for your other rigged character "Bloke".

Comments on this bug:

  • Jason Baskin

    Jason Baskin said almost 15 years ago:

    You should be able to open this file in earlier versions of Maya by checking the "Ignore Version" option in the File>Open Scene... settings.
  • ahobbit

    ahobbit said almost 15 years ago:

    Jason, I checked the “Ignore Version” option box and your rigged character loaded just fine. Sorry for the “newbie” misunderstanding, but thanks for the help. By the way, can your “rig-o-matic” auto-rigging tool produce rigs like Blake’s, or would it be better to try and just copy the rig to a mesh if we want to try out the rig on it? (I'm also posting a request under the requests tab). :)

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