The Bork Rig
V 3.1.0

Haven't been working on this rig for a while, but decided to update some parts of it based on feedback (don't feel bad if I didn't improve what you commented, I'm still working on it.)
Things to come
-4 torso pieces instead of 2.
-Ik/Fk switching for arms and legs.
-An optional mouth
-Eye brows can now move further up/down.
-Added blendshapes/controllers for eyes
-Added Eye Brows with blendshapes and a facial panel, to turn the eye brows off, there is an attribute in the main control (That circle at his feet).
-Fixed the hypershade so it dosn't hape hundreds of shaders in it.
-Fixed the problem where the IK pole vectors moved the shoulder joint geometry.
-Locked a couple of things that could be used but didn't work or weren't needed.
-Fixed a couple of things that involved the grouping of several objects.
- IK Arms/Legs
-Elbow and Knee Control
-Lower and Upper Neck Controls
-Lots of things for the feet.
-Easy finger curling or individual manipulation.
-Good when rendered with Mental Ray
I'm only 12 yrs old so tell me anything you think should be improved/added and I will try to.
All credit of rigging goes to Advanced Skeleton.
Please use the Feature Requests to give me ideas.
Please use the Support Forum if you have any questions or problems.
Please rate and review in the Review section.