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Flash (Rig) 1.0.0 for Maya

This Flash rig is made in Maya 2015, has UVd polygons and NURBS, and has textures and materials.

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  • 2015

Operating Systems

  • Irix
  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Solaris
  • Windows


Last Modified:08/18/2020
File Size: 12.8 MB


flash, barry, wally, Rig, maya

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  • Animator Samanyolutv

    Animator Samanyolutv said about 6 years ago:

    Laser functions are so nice but mouth needs to the open and close function.
  • seb15g

    seb15g said about 7 years ago:

    I'm using this rig for a monologue project in my Character Animation class. It works really well! However, I wish I had some minor controls to work with on the face to really push the poses. In addition, the arms are too short and the hands seem a little small. I tried to do a pose with his arms crossed and it was impossible to position due to the size of his arms relative to his torso. 
    Also, this could be an issue with Maya 2017, but the textures did not show up when I set and opened the project. I did see that they were available in the project files, so if I wanted to I could still load them manually, but for the purpose of the project I don't need to. 
    Thank you for having this available to work with for free, I enjoyed working with it and it served my purposes well. 

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