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Game Jedi 0.0.1 for Maya

High-end game character.

Button download


  • 2009

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:11/19/2010
File Size: 3.02 MB


Rig, maya, mel, face


Black Render Screen

Submitted bytheredspartn theredspartn
I decided to create a fight scene using your rigged model. I duplicated the model then changed the colours of one of them to the colour scheme of a Sith. Unfortunately the change of colour seems to have had some strange effect on the render, leaving the screen entirely Black. If I only have the original model's colours then it will render completely fine, but as soon as I change the colours to Black, the scene won't render properly. I've tried using different types of lighting as well as different renderers. If I zoom in really close to the Black version then I can faintly see him, but if I move away a little then there's absolutely nothing, not even the glow of the lightsaber. Everything else works perfectly and this is one of the best rigs I've used, but this problem is proving to be a massive fault for me. Please help me, I really want to add this to my demo reel for my college application.
                   Thank you,

Comments on this bug:

  • theredspartn

    theredspartn said over 10 years ago:

    I've actually just noticed that it seems as if the lighting works but only from a certain distance. It's as if the character being dressed in Black instead of Brown has some weird effect on the lighting distance or something. I've been Google-ing the problem for a couple hours and can't find anything. I really want this to work :/ Thanks for your time, theredspartn

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