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Soldier 1.1.0 for Maya

Soldier with weapons

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  • 8.x, 7.x


Last Modified:07/03/2007
File Size: 7.74 MB
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  • Leny31

    Leny31 said about 10 years ago:

    Hi, The pelvis controler of this character is not align properly to the ground. When we animate the character (walk or run) in a shot, we won't have the same value in Y at the beginning of the shot and at the end. The character will have an original value of 0 in Y axis for the pelvis, but won't stay parallel to the ground if I move only on Y axis. This make the character very difficult to animate if you want him to walk or run over different obstacles, because is pelvis will automatically end up touching the ground (if you move forward) enven though the Y value is still 0, or up in the sky(if you go backward). (see BUG section for more info)
  • Neil Gorman

    Neil Gorman said over 10 years ago:

    IK controls on the arms have a problem with orientation
  • Brendan De Souza

    Brendan De Souza said almost 15 years ago:

    very good model n rig.... just a few things though... 1) you need to give the pelvis control a translate motion(it currently has only rotation so I can't move d hips side-side)...... 2)the Clavicle control doesn't seem proper....the entire armor moves with it;also it needs some constraints once again tnx for d rig....was looking for a soldier character. Looking forward to more of your work :D
  • jraja

    jraja said almost 15 years ago:

    Thanks a ton Man!!
  • nick_hil_666

    nick_hil_666 said about 17 years ago:

    can u help me out about how to use the gun controls when the gun is picked up in the hands of the soldier...cant seem to figure it out.....will be a great help...u can mail me at or reply here too... PS:excellent RIG and MODEL, my regards to both Jason Gill and Christophe Desse...keep up the good work
  • audin

    audin said about 17 years ago:

    This is a very good rig, nice set of controls, works just smooth, nice extra goodies of guns and grenades. Overall best, I might be animating this guy soon! Thanks for sharing it.
  • jgslooknout247

    jgslooknout247 said over 17 years ago:

    First, extract the file with WinRar then open the mb file in Maya.
  • CptDWolf

    CptDWolf said over 17 years ago:

    wait okay. I have done the trail version of winrar and what do i do with the file? Am i supposed to open it up? Like import it now from maya?
  • brendo80

    brendo80 said over 17 years ago:

    great model, excellent amour detail, and clean controls *****

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