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Team Fortress 2 - Scout 2.0.0 for Maya

The Scout from Team Fortress 2.

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  • 2013

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:01/05/2014
File Size: 13.1 MB


male, Rig

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  • presnougato

    presnougato said 4 days ago:

    old rig but still thx for it sm :') love tf2
  • jamstudent

    jamstudent said over 6 years ago:

    hello! thanks for uploading this rig. I'm doing run cycle with the rig and I have problem about foot translate X. The foot keep sliding left to right although I set key translate X with all same value. Can someone help me?
  • zoca27

    zoca27 said over 8 years ago:

    Thank you so much! I really want a Scout model!!
  • pumua

    pumua said about 10 years ago:

    im using maya 2015 and the facial rig doesnt work for me, i move the controls and nothing happen
  • Superadam051

    Superadam051 said almost 11 years ago:

    XxevildeadxX I just extracted the .rar into a folder, and it worked fine. I'm in 2014 too
  • XxevildeadxX

    XxevildeadxX said about 11 years ago:

    For Some reason, the mesh won't texture. I'm using Maya 2014.
  • scaloso

    scaloso said over 11 years ago:

    Wanderful rig man , i realy love to have fun aimating with this rig ! Just a tiny problem on the pivot point of shoulder and wrist but great work !!
  • x8smile

    x8smile said over 11 years ago:

    The toes are a bit too high make they look like toe roll. I have too rotate them back so they can look normal :D. But nice rig.
  • Enkidu13

    Enkidu13 said over 11 years ago:

    The geometry has been locked to avoid selecting it by accident when trying to select the controllers. If you want to change the textures, use the Hypershade and just replace the texture files through there
  • huangypeking

    huangypeking said over 11 years ago:

    um.... the model feels like it's been locked, i cannot select each individual parts to apply texture, does any one know why?

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