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Transformers 0.0.2 for Maya


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  • 2008


Last Modified:01/06/2009
File Size: 12.9 MB
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  • Abhishek Chauhan

    Abhishek Chauhan said over 11 years ago:

    That's a great modelling nice detailing I really appreciate ur work. U understand the concept of transformers & then used in ur work really amazing I tried so many times to make a robot like this But I never understand the concept behind this can u plz help me in this.
  • supergeen

    supergeen said almost 12 years ago:

    I tried to open this in Maya 2013 but only got two IK Handles. This seemed awesome.
  • shivam010591pandey

    shivam010591pandey said about 14 years ago:

    can i use, dis rig to my demoreal:)
  • fusedgore

    fusedgore said almost 15 years ago:

    How did you rig this.
  • Markus Kranzler

    Markus Kranzler said over 15 years ago:

    If it's true, it can only be opened with Maya 2008. My 2009 version doesn't like it and so would the older versions. Too bad would have liked to test it! ;) Thanks anyway
  • ljochoam

    ljochoam said about 16 years ago:

    Error!, require mayatorm minor to maya 2008
  • Sir Meeko

    Sir Meeko said about 16 years ago:

    Way too much clutter,cool looking rig but not animator friendly.
  • johnjoe

    johnjoe said about 16 years ago:

    Nice Job. Thanks for sharing. ;-)
  • sunjie933

    sunjie933 said about 16 years ago:

    Dear friends, I tried, it can open, but probably you are the reason, if the test is not enough, I suggest you look at the version and the system, or RAR. I hope you share my happiness.
  • Ownator

    Ownator said about 16 years ago:

    It looks really good from the pictures but I get an error saying "Errors have occured whilereading the scene that may result in data loss."

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