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Ambient Occlusion for Maya Software 1.0.9 for Maya

This shader is an Ambient Occlusion for Maya Software Render.

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  • 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:05/21/2018
File Size: 1.51 MB


plug-ins, maya

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1-10 of 12

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  • Nobis

    Nobis said almost 10 years ago:

    Amazing plugin thank you! 10 times faster than mental ray!
  • Ross G

    Ross G said over 11 years ago:

    Thanks, gonna try it.
  • manikandan raju

    manikandan raju said over 11 years ago:

    Very good plug for maya 2013!!! Works well with transparency and it renders very fast!!! Thankyou fo this great tool!!!!!!!!!!
  • yikuta1

    yikuta1 said about 12 years ago:

    Maya 2013 32bit and 64bit version was released. thanks.
  • Georgee80

    Georgee80 said about 12 years ago:

    Good Shader. It works perfectly in Maya 2012. What about 2013? Thank u.. j.
  • artune

    artune said over 14 years ago:

    thank you very much. It's great one plug ,very fast very easy.
  • christie coyle

    christie coyle said over 14 years ago:

    Does this not work with Maya 2010 64-bit?
  • Andrey Efimov

    Andrey Efimov said over 14 years ago:

    Thank you very much for 2008 )
  • apecornelius

    apecornelius said almost 15 years ago:

    very good shader. Is there a maya 2010x32 version?
  • cuckon sue

    cuckon sue said about 15 years ago:

    Maya should include it earlier and you make up with it.Really thanks~~

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