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DisplaceD 1.1.3 for Maya (maya plugin)

DisplaceD is a deformer driven by a 2D/3D Texture!

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  • 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 9.x, 2009, 2008, 8.x, 7.x, 6.x

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:01/16/2018
File Size: 1.51 MB



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  • romanhorol

    romanhorol said over 13 years ago:

    hey there iam using maya 2012 64-bit version on windows 7 ,i tried to install the plugin , the scripts file into the directory of scripts in maya2012/scripts folder, and the displace.mll into bin/plug-in , opend the plugin-manager and the plugin has shown but when i clicked on load i got error:????????? ???? ???? . (displaced) massage in red line , now i know there were only scripts files that suppose to work only with earlier version of maya , is there any way i can edit the scripts easly in order to make it load , if so please send me massage to
  • Reptillia

    Reptillia said almost 14 years ago:

    It is a excellent plugin and it suitable for the alternative to height field generator.
  • oejustin

    oejustin said almost 14 years ago:

    Great work, flexible and fast. Definitely one of my most used plugins. There is one problem I have with it from time to time and that is that it does not update sometimes when using animated textures. Here's my setup in 2011 OSX: Ramp > color gain of a File Texture > Projection > DisplaceD It shows up in the viewport and will update when you change the value of the ramp and/or texture. But if I animate it over time and scrub through the timeline or playblast, displaceD does not update. It will only update when I go to a specific frame. A different setup that wasn't working in the past I've gotten to work by adding a ramp node in between like this. File Texture > Ramp > DisplaceD I need to use a projection and am not having any luck, any ideas anyone? EDIT: Thanks to the speedy response by the community I've figured it out on my own. DisplaceD does not like a projection going directly into it if things feeding that projection are animated. Gotta re-arrange and use other combination of nodes to get the same result.
  • Jonathan H

    Jonathan H said over 14 years ago:

    I would like to instal this onto my mac running Maya 2011, but all I have is a .bundle file. Can't locate the .mll for the plug-in folder in this download. Please help. *Update* No worries, figured it out. =) All works! Thanks.
  • chris beck

    chris beck said over 14 years ago:

    thanks for update
  • tomsfx

    tomsfx said over 14 years ago:

    Big thanks for 2011 version, works great!
  • css_maya

    css_maya said over 14 years ago:

    hey first of all, thanks for the great plugin, is there any chance that you share the source? because i think sharing the source will be a very nice way to help people learn how to develop new deformers within API. thanks
  • cedric beltrami

    cedric beltrami said over 14 years ago:

    Very nice work, thanks a lot
  • Kris Savoia

    Kris Savoia said almost 15 years ago:

    // Error: Object's name is not unique: displaceD_MenuItem1. // Does anyone know what this means?
  • chris beck

    chris beck said almost 15 years ago:

    One of the best plugins

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