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May9 Next, an alternative user experience 10.4.3 for Maya (maya plugin)

May9 Next, an Autodesk Maya workflow plug-in

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  • 2022

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:04/05/2022
File Size: 1.13 MB
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  • HolderJasom!

    HolderJasom! said over 3 years ago:

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  • lan70520

    lan70520 said almost 4 years ago:

    good nice.....
  • FormJune

    FormJune said about 5 years ago:

    First time when May9 update is later than Maya actual release :)
  • Zirez Anon

    Zirez Anon said over 5 years ago:

    I loved the idea of Creation of this script.
    One this I changed was Key Z. It was causing issues with Undo Action. so I set it to "M".
  • hazem_zoom

    hazem_zoom said over 5 years ago:

    & we get  frequent updates with minor fixes & supporting some important new features
  • mazouna

    mazouna said over 5 years ago:

    Simply, a super Amazing plugin, extremely useful, thank you so much
  • pospa

    pospa said over 5 years ago:

    I really love this script :) Workflow is faster and when I'm in Maya where not May9Next installed, I'm little bit lost.. :)
    Just one question - in earlier versions, there are detailed description about all things and scripts, why did you remove this? Thanks!

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