Copyright (c) 2025
The MIT License (MIT)
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
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2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008
Version History
02.04.13 ver 3.3.3
- p_MegaTK: Fixed bug with incorrect IOR value for objects reflected in glass
- p_MegaTK: Fixed bug with russian roulette optimization + Unified Sampling. Glass should be less noisy now
07.02.13 ver 3.3.2
- p_math_output: Fixed bug with value more than 1.0 (introduced in 3.3 version) that may cause of damage of shadow pass
- p_OpenEXR_saver: Switched to OpenEXR 1.7.1 library
- Switched to VS2008
18.01.11 ver 3.3.1
- p_hair_mapping: Fixed rare crash bug. Actually it's mental ray bug, state->bary[0] return NaN value
- p_HairTK: Added experimental option 'FixShaveUV' for fix Shave texture mapping issue
- p_HairTK: Fixed bug with NaN value in some passes with zero hair alpha
13.01.10 ver 3.3
- Added p_shader_replacer shader (mostly for override shader on Fur)
- p_MegaTK: Can be used as photonic shader (diffuse, opacity, reflect and refract)
- p_MegaTK: Changed default value for 'Opacity Mode' from 'Alpha' to 'Average'(need for Maya's swatch)
- p_MegaTK and p_HairTK: Added SpecialC5-SpecialC10 passes
- p_scatter_wrap: Enabled the support for instance light lists (Mode 4)
- p_scatter_wrap: Fixed bug with wrong light direction if 'Spread' == 0
- p_scatter_wrap: Fixed NaN value if 'Max Scatter Distance' == 0
- p_scatter_wrap: Improved sampling pattern for 'Shadow Blur'
- p_HairTK: Added 'Color Variation' parameter
- p_scatter_wrap: Added 'Thin Wall Translucence' effect
- p_HairTK: Added 'Visible for FG' parameter
- p_MegaTK: Fixed bug in 'Fur Diffuse' part. It may produce a little bit different result
- Added p_dielectric_interface shader
- p_motion_to_rgb: Added 'SmoothKit' and 'ReelSmart' mode
- p_MegaTK: Fixed bug with NaN value in reflect/refract part. Fixed reflect/refract amount
- p_HairTK: Added 'Coefficient Back Diffuse' parameter. Diffuse may be look different
- p_HairTK: Added 'Saturation Variation' and 'Gain Variation' parameters
- p_HairTK: Fixed possible bug with incorrect specular normal. Result may be different. Default deviation value was changed (to -0.25)
- Added p_eye texture shader
- p_MegaTK_pass: Fixed bug with resaving all frame images when incremental mi and p_OpenEXR_saver used
- p_OpenEXR_saver: Added meta data to file (like camera matrix, focal, aperture...)
- p_MegaTK and p_HairTK: Fixed crash with detail shadow in rare cases. Actually it's mental ray bug
- p_HairTK: Fixed rare crash bug with rasterizer and raytracing enabled. Actually it's mental ray bug, state->bary[0] return NaN value
- p_MegaTK_pass: Fixed possible crash if 'half' buffer type used with 'frame buffer gamma'. Now frame buffer is always 'float'. It's mental ray bug that was fixed in (Autodesk branch) and
- p_math_output: Fixed possible 'inf' value
- p_MegaTK: Added some optimization for final gather with bump if 'Ignore Bump' enabled
13.11.08 ver 3.2.2
- p_HairTK: Fixed bug with very slow rendering with raytracing in scanline mode if used not TK lights
- p_MegaTK: Fixed bug with very slow rendering with raytracing in scanline mode if used not TK lights
- p_HairTK: Fixed bug with NaN value in incandescence pass
- p_MegaTK: Fixed possible bug with NaN value in incandescence pass
- p_HairTK: Fixed unneeded alpha premult for all passes in rasterizer mode
- p_MegaTK: Fixed unneeded alpha premult for all passes in rasterizer mode
10.11.08 ver 3.2.1
- p_HairTK: Fixed bug with strange dots with trasparency
- p_HairTK: Transparency depth now limited only by 'Transparency Depth' in shader. 0 mean unlimited depth
- p_HairTK: If 'Transparency Depth' reached full opaque hair used instead of multiplied to alpha (black tip)
- p_HairTK: Some minor optimizations and fixes
- p_MegaTK_pass: Now if 'Contrast All Buffers' disabled, it override value in options
- p_HairTK: Fixed bug with very slow render with transparency in scanline mode if used not TK lights
24.10.08 ver 3.2
- Finally removed p_saturation, p_fg_light and p_fg_no_light
- Switched to new frame buffer API. Now used named buffers. Only mental ray and higher. According this change p_MegaTK, p_MegaTK_pass, p_math_output and p_OpenEXR_saver shaders was edited
- In p_MegaTK_pass shader 'OpenEXR' renamed to 'OpenEXR (mi)'. Now exr is always multichannel (because of mental ray 3.6 change/limitation). In mental ray it crash if more than 8 buffers saved to same file (it's mental ray bug, will be fixed in future versions), please be carefull
- Added 'Contrast All Buffers' option for p_MegaTK_pass shader. Warning, this option may dramatically slowdown render
- For p_MegaTK shader enabled the support for instance light lists (Mode 4)
- Added p_HairTK shader (still for test only)
- Removed trick/hack code from p_LightTK and p_MegaTK, that may cause of error or crash in very rare case. This code replaced by mi_shaderstate_get() contruction
- p_CSG shader works correct as shadow shader (only black shadow)
- Added 'Swap AB' parameter for p_CSG shader
- Added p_HairTK_shadow shader
- Switched to OpenEXR 1.6.1 library. Added 'B44' and 'B44A' compressions
- Added 'Visible in Reflect' and 'Visible in Refract' options for occlusion in p_MegaTK shader
- Added 'Russian Roulette Level' option for p_MegaTK shader
- Added 'Ignore Normals' option for Reflect/Refract of p_MegaTK shader
- Added p_physical_lens_dof shader
- Added 11 presets for p_MegaTK shader (Maya only)
- Fixed possible memory leak in p_MegaTK_exit function
- Added p_hair_mapping texture shader
- Added 'Diffuse Roughness' parameter for p_MegaTK shader
- Improved shader GUI in 3dsMax for some shaders. Possible enum menu unstable in Max :(
14.12.07 ver 3.1.2
- Fixed bug in p_SpotTK. Area behind the spot cone not return TK. It may cause of unneeded lighting and incorrect passes.
- Fixed bug in p_PointTK and p_SpotTK. Shadow may disappear if some components of light color equal zero (for example r=0.5 g=0.1 b=0.0)
- Fixed bug in p_MegaTK shader with 'Fur' model (Maya only)
18.06.07 ver 3.1.1
- Fixed bug with 'Attenuation' in p_shadow_transparency shader (attenuation did't work before)
- Fixed bug with 'Bent Normal' pass in p_MegaTK shader under linux
- Added '$ifndef "shaders_p_mi_included"' to mi file to avoid multiple inclusions
- Fixed bug (artifacts in passes) in p_PointTK and p_SpotTK with 'Linear Distance' attenuation
12.05.07 ver 3.1
- Added 'Reflection Falloff' and 'Refraction Falloff' to p_MegaTK
- Added NaN remover to p_MegaTK, all NaN and infinite values will be replaced by zero
- Fixed problem with basis vector in occlusion in p_MegaTK shader, now vector should be in world space
- Added 'Inverse Transparency' to p_shadow_transparency shader
- Added 'Opacity Mode' for occlusion in p_MegaTK shader
- p_MegaTK shader can be used as shadow shader now
- Added 'Ignore Bump' option for indirect illumination in p_MegaTK shader
- Fixed problem with fresnel value more than 1, it happen before sometimes with bump
- Fixed problem with 'Enable Filtering' option in p_MegaTK_pass shader. Before filtering always be enabled
- Added p_grade_color shader
- Added 'Absorbsion In' and 'Absorbsion Out' in p_MegaTK instead of 'Trasparency/Absorb'
- Removed 'Fading Distance' in p_MegaTK and replaced with 'Falloff Start' and 'Falloff Stop' in reflect/refract
- Added 'Falloff to Color' option in p_MegaTK shader for reflect and refract
- Added some optimization for FG rays with multi sampled reflection/refraction. Now for FG always used only 1 sample. 'Path Indirect Samples' divide to 8 for FG rays
- Added 'Reflection Depth' and 'Refraction Depth' override for p_MegaTK
- Added 'Wet Specular' model for p_MegaTK shader
- Commented some unneeded shader: 'p_fg_light', 'p_fg_no_light' and 'p_saturation'. Please read comments in shaders_p.mi for more details
- Added 'Quadratic Distance', 'Cubic Distance' and 'Cubic' attenuation type for p_PointTK and p_SpotTK shaders
- Added different modes for p_motion_to_rgb shader ('Camera Space', 'Raster Space' and 'Krokodove')
- Fixed problem with incorrect saving of mental ray motion vectors with p_OpenEXR_saver
- Changed logic of specular pass in p_MegaTK_pass shader. Now if you have enabled only 'specular' without 'specular_shd' in specular pass will be specular combined with shadow
- Added 'Environment' and 'Shadow' slots for p_ray_type shader. Added 'Reflection Depth' and 'Refraction Depth'
- Fixed problem in p_color_to_float shader with 'shadow' and 'displacement'
- Added 'Light Threshold' to p_PointTK and p_SpotTK
- Added 'Light Radius' and 'Shadow Rays' to p_PointTK, p_SpotTK and p_DirectTK shaders
- Added 'Soft Cone Falloff' parameter to p_SpotTK
- Fixed bug in p_shadow_transparency shader in 'simple' or 'sort' shadow mode (before only first shadow shader taken into account)
08.12.06 ver 3.0.1
- Fixed bug with russian roulette in p_MegaTK shader, now russian roulette used only if reflect and refract enabled
- Some path tracing optimization in p_MegaTK. It may be slightly faster on some scenes (about 5%)
- Fixed bug with writing black channels in p_OpenEXR_saver shader under 64 bit arch
- Now in p_OpenEXR_saver shader TK channels use mi_mem_test_allocate() function instead of 'new' for allocating memory
- Added automatic declaration for p_math_output and p_OpenEXR_saver shaders from p_MegaTK_pass geometry shader, mostly for XSI
- Fixed bug in p_MegaTK_pass geometry shader, now you can save to single OpenEXR file only standard mental ray passes without p_MegaTK passes
- Some docs improve
03.09.06 ver 3.0
- Added 'Self Shadow' option for p_shadow shader
- Recoded Reflect/Refract part of p_MegaTK:
- now samples on isotropic or anisotropic reflect/refract distributed more accurate,
- changed attenuation method in refract, it's like dielectric_material now,
- added 'Anisotropic' for refraction (thanks to Mikhail Lyossin for code)
- Supported Fur effect on polygon object for 3dsmax version
- Recoded 'Cone' parameter of p_SpotTK, now it estimated in degrees and named 'Soft Cone Angle'
- Now in p_PointTK and p_SpotTK shaders during computing 'Linear' and 'Quadratic' attenuation 'Start' parameter used to define where attenuation begin
- Added Bump slot for p_maya_shadingengine shader
- Added p_float4_to_color shader
- Added 'Russian Roulette Optimization' option for disable it in p_MegaTK shader
- Added SpecialC3 and Special4 channels for p_MegaTK shader
- Added 'Gamma' for Occlusion in p_MegaTK shader
- Added 'Samples Decrease Factor' to p_MegaTK shader
- Added 'Path Indirect Diffuse' to p_MegaTK shader
- Added 'Shadow Transparency' for p_scatter_wrap shader
- p_scatter_wrap shader now return 'color' type, fixed bug with wrong light counter
- p_scatter_wrap shader added 'scatter_color', 'wrap_color' and 'terminator_color' parameters
- p_OpenEXR_saver shader now use 'OpenEXR 1.4' library
- p_MegaTK_pass shader now support saving passes to single OpenEXR file
- Fixed bug with alpha value more than 1 in p_MegaTK shader
- Now shaders_p.dll and p_EXR_saver.dll(win version) combined to single dll file (shaders_p.dll)
03.02.06 ver 2.9
- Added p_maya_shadingengine shader
- Modified p_scatter_wrap shader, added 'Trace Depth' parameter and some change in Scattering part for more beauty result
- Added 'Premultiply Alpha' parameter to p_z shader
- Added p_OpenEXR_saver output shader for saving multichannels exr file
- Now in p_MegaTK shader when reach max reflection or refraction trace depth call environment instead of black
- Increase reflection and refraction rendering speed on p_MegaTK
- Added 'Add to Original Normal' parameter to p_MegaTK bump (mostly for 3dsmax)
- Fixed bump problem in p_MegaTK shader
- Added Attenuation Type for p_SpotTK and p_PointTK light shaders
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