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abxPlayKeys 1.1.0 for Maya (maya script)

Plays Only Keyframes in the timeline in real-time

Button download


  • 8.x, 7.x, 6.x

Operating Systems

  • Irix
  • Linux
  • Windows


Last Modified:02/26/2007
File Size: 2.01 KB


fixing PIKR node created with char name to work in reference?

Submitted by: Dariusz Lacheta Dariusz Lacheta
it is possible to fix  PIKR node created with character name to work in reference/ namespace etc?
I try to oped document and edit it but i couldn't find what i should do to make it work :/
this can be done?

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    J Adam Burke

    J Adam Burke said about 15 years ago:

    This should go in the abxPicker forum, but oh well... Yes it can be done. First, the PIKR node must be saved in the same scene file as the rig you want to reference. If you already created a PIKR node with a character name but want to use it in a referenced rig file, you simply have to remove the character name from the PIKR node name. So if the PIKR node name is Character1_Body_PIKR then rename the node to just Body_PIKR. then open the attribute editor for the PIKR node and in the extra attributes section enable the "Prefix" check box. Thats it. Then when you reference your rig into another scene, abxPicker will automatically add the rename prefix or namespace to all node names stored in the buttons. If you are still having trouble, try posting or sending a file. I'd have to get more specific clues as to the problems you're having.

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