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Anim_picker 1.0.2 for Maya (maya script)

This tool allows you to create a graphical interface for quick animation controls selection

Button download


  • 2014, 2013

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:06/08/2013
File Size: 53.6 KB


maya, animation, pyqt, pyside, Rig

Feature Request

How to add custom scripts/ menus

Submitted by:stephen hibberd stephen hibberd
This is a fantastic script and am creating some gorgeous ui for my characters. I would love to learn how to add custom action scripts and custom menus. I press the edit script button and then I'm lost. Would it be at all possible to supply a sample image of what the scripts section would look like so I can get learning on how to use this feature which I am disparate to learn. Thank you for any help. Regards Steve

Comments on this feature request:

  • Guillaume Barlier

    Guillaume Barlier said over 11 years ago:

    for the custom script window: -the first field is the name of the menu item like : "select controls" -the second big field is to put some python script you want to run, in this case it would look like: from maya import cmds __CONTROLS__ ) #(__CONTROLS__ being a env list variable containing the list of related control to the current picker item)

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