Please e-mail any bug issues to
If you find this tool helpful, and would like me to keep updating it/fixing bugs, please feel free to donate (so I don't starve)

UPDATES v2.5 - 01/11/10
**Added custom start frame feature, allowing to start an animation on a different frame. Useful for piecing together different animations. This should also work with custom time range. If you want only the first 5 frames of your animation, but want to start at frame 12. Just use custom time range of 1-5, and start frame of 12. It will offset.
Fixed minor bugs that came up with transfering animations.
Fixed the clear rig keys feature.
Implemented js_tangentMatcher matcher directly into script. Matches start and end tangents.
UPDATES v2.2 - 12/04/09
ATTENTION: Due to the fact I rearranged the way the data is stored in the .anim files, files saved out with older versions of the scripts won't work, you must resave the animations out using the new script.
Found issues when dealing with .anim files saved out with namespaces already on them, fixed this.
Corrected issues when trying to save and apply animation when the controllers or rig is referenced (may be buggy, let me know!)
UPDATES v2.1 - 11/20/09
ATTENTION: Due to the fact I rearranged the way the data is stored in the .anim files, files saved out with older versions of the scripts won't work, you must resave the animations out using the new script.
Severly optimized the time it takes to apply animation, setting all keys at once rather than per controller.
Added custom range setting to allow only application within a time range.
There have been several issues with older versions not working with "findKeyframe -c" or something like that, I've removed that command and worked around it another way, so it should work with versions before 2008, how far back I'm not sure. (I haven't been able to test this though)
UPDATES v1.9 - 10/18/09
Added feature to only apply to selected controllers rather than an entire rig.
Multiple changes to the GUI and added help window with descriptions of new features.
Changed the namespace checker to allow the user to specify a specific prefix.
Several internal code changes dealing with tangents.
Still no tangent type feature (never had the need) it will default to plateau.
I'll try and be more frequent with updates. I haven't had the need for new features for what I use it for so nothing has been implemented, sorry guys :/
UPDATES v1.2 - 4/14/09
In and out tangent values are now saved with animation and applied. (types and weights in the next update)
The script will no longer crash when trying to apply animation when the controllers stored in that file don't exists.
Saving animation with loaded objects that no longer exist is now possible.
Added animation updater when applying animation showing current controller, attribute, time and value.
UPDATES v1.1 - 4/05/09
Added functionality for applying animation to namespaced rigs/objects.
- source js_animTransfer.mel;
- In order for the transfer to work controller names must be kept the same between rigs.
- Select object/controllers to transfer animation and load selected or choose preset, then apply
Please use the Feature Requests to give me ideas.
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