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attrConnector.mel 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

Connect attributes across multiple selections.

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  • 7.x

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Last Modified:04/17/2010
File Size: 16.3 KB
Use this script to connect or disconnect attributes between multiple selections.

It can be a useful alternative to Maya's Connection Editor for certain tasks. For example, you can connect an attribute on one selected object to an attribute on several other selected objects in one go. This is useful for setups with repetitive connections (e.g. between several utility nodes or control objects).

The script makes connections based on current selections. Run the script to bring up the Attribute Connector window. There are three sections in the window.

Select first the object or node for output then select any number of other objects or nodes (with the common attribute) for input.

In the top section of the window enter the names of the output & input attributes and hit the "Connect" button. The attribute on the first object will be plugged into the attribute on all other selected objects.

The middle section of the window lists connections on a selected object or node. Just select a single object or node and hit the "List Inputs" or "List Outputs" button. You can also break connections by selecting them and hitting the "Disconnect Selected" button.

The bottom section of the window just offers a different workflow. Instead of entering the names of attributes you can select objects and load their attributes into lists and make the connections there. Just select the objects (first selected is the output object) and hit the "Load Attributes" button. Only the common attributes of the selected input objects appear in the Input list. (If several input objects are selected it may take a few seconds to list.)

The bottom section is like a less sophisticated version of Maya's Connection Editor. One advantage is that you can make connections onto several objects in one go.

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