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Car Motion Light 1.0.1 for Maya (maya script)

This procedure can create the light effects of motion trail by cars in road.

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  • 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:05/27/2021
File Size: 47.8 KB


maya, mel, plugin


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Car Motion Light Version:  v1.0.1
 2013-10-17 Programmer:  JingHai Tian

This procedure can create the light effects of motion trail by cars in road.this tool came from a project of city building. 

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1.  drag the mel into maya,and the UI will jump out.first,use the Bezier curve tool,create the curves.
2.  select one curve,touch the create light button,ok. 
3.   if you do not like the effects,can delete all effects,by touching the last button.


Options: V1.0.1

select the curve,the options will display in channel box.

light Stroke Numbers:   control the light storkes numbers.

Sample Density:   control the light motion trail segments.more sample,more smooth.

Car Motion Blur Min/Max:   control the random length of motion trails . 

Light Density:    control the density of the light.

Light Glow:    control the glow value of the light .

Light Glow Spread:   control the radius of light trail.

 Global Width:    control the distance between the motion trails.

Stroke Width:   control the width of the every stroke. 

Stroke Change Speed:    control the change speed of light animation.

seed Offset:    control the random seed offset of light.can make different between the lights.

Color R: color Red value.

Color G: color Green value.

Color B: color Blue value.

Namo Amita Buddha !!!

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