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colorKey 2.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

color keyframe's ticks in the timeline

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  • 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011

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  • Windows


Last Modified:07/05/2015
File Size: 6.86 KB


Referenced rigs

Submitted by: danielpeixe danielpeixe
Hi! i love the idea of the script, but unfortunally seems like it doesnt work on referenced rigs. I get the following error : line 227: No object matches name: ( the name of the referenced object) 

Any workaround?


Replies to this question:

  • GuillaumeG

    GuillaumeG said about 11 years ago:

    Hi, what Maya version and os are you using?
  • GuillaumeG

    GuillaumeG said almost 11 years ago:

    New version of the script (1.2.1) corrects referenced rigs issue with maya 2014 on mac os. The previous version was correcting the same issue on windows system. If you still get the error let me know ( and your maya version and os).
  • Replyindent

    w3b5ling3r said over 10 years ago:

    Yes Thanks! It works on referenced rigs now...awesome!
  • Replyindent

    GuillaumeG said over 10 years ago:

    Hi, new version of the script (1.3.1) should fix your problem. It should work fine now, if not, let me know.
  • Replyindent

    GuillaumeG said over 10 years ago:

    Ok. I don't have much spare time at the moment, but I will look at it and let you know as soon as possible.
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    w3b5ling3r said over 10 years ago:

    Hi, I'm currently using a rig from a character animation school called iAnimate; I'm unable to send you the rig but I just did a test with a couple of referenced primitive cubes and the same error occurs: "# Error: ValueError: file C:/Users/rt/Documents/maya/2014-x64/scripts\ line 310: No object matches name: pCube1.coloredKey_1 # " This error occurs on everything that is referenced, rigged or not. It occurs when 'more than one' object/controller is selected, so it isn't an issue of having too many objects selected because even selecting 2 invokes the error. The script works fine on the same rigs ( over 200 selected controllers) when they aren't referenced. Perhaps the namespaces on the referenced items is causing the error? Even if I just select one referenced object, I get the "no object matches name" error, BUT it will still set a colored keyframe. When I select two objects, I get the error and it only sets a keyframe on the object that was selected 'first.' On unreferenced objects it works completely fine though. Thanks....I hope you can fix it, this tool is exactly what I need to keep track of keyframes.
  • Replyindent

    GuillaumeG said over 10 years ago:

    Hi, that's interesting! What is the rig you're using? Can you send it to me? If you can't send it, can you try with another rig and check if you're having the same problem? With the rig you're having trouble with, try to reduce your selection and run the script until you don't get the "No object matches name" error message. The aim is to reduce the possibilities that make the script crash so that I can solve the problem. What is exactly the name of the referenced object in the "No object matches name" error message? Check that the object has a unique name.
  • Replyindent

    w3b5ling3r said over 10 years ago:

    Hi, excellent idea for a script! I just downloaded and installed it, but I'm getting the same " No object matches name" error with a referenced rig in Maya 2014, Windows 7 64-bit. It will set a keyframe on a few of the objects I have selected (out of 194) and then it will encounter the error and simultaneously knock down the selection to the very last object selected in the set. Thanks for your help! EDIT: I have tried using the script further, and discovered that if I select more than one controller to set a key on, it will only set a colored key on the 'first' controller chosen. The rig I am currently using is referenced in the scene; It appears that this isn't an issue with non-referenced objects/controllers. Thanks

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