Version 1.1
Now Supports NURBS Surfaces as the Source Geometry. Can be used to Transfer Weighting from NURBS Surface to Polygonal Mesh to Achieve Clean Quick Weighting on Hi-Res Mesh.

* Bind Lo_Res NURBS Surface and Transfer Weighting to Hi-Res Mesh
Version 1.0
This Script Converts a Wrap Deformer to a SkinCluster Deformer. This is Great for Clothing or Other Character Accessories. It Keeps the Same Deformation as the Wrap Deformer, but Without the Speed Hindrance.
Instructions:Video Demo :
Create Wrap Deformer/s for Each Polygonal Object. All Wraps Currently Need to be Connected
to the same Source/Driver Geometry. Select the Wrapped Geo's and Run Script. You Can
Increase the Speed of Initial Calculation by Limiting Wich Verts on the Source Geometry
Influence the Wrapped Geometry. To do This, First Select all the Verts on the Source
Geomtery that Fall within the Immediate and Surrounding Area of the Wrapped Geo
and THAN Select the Wraped Geometry and Run the Script.
Any Questions or Concerns : Email me at

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