PyQt4 and PySide installed inside your preferred version of Maya’s Python Site Packages. For example (C:\Program Files\Autodesk\”Your Maya Version”\Python\Lib\site-packages\)
PyQt4 download link:
PySide download link:
Make sure the PyQt4 version matches your Maya’s bit operation. If your Maya is 32-Bit then download x32 version of PyQt4 and vice versa.
1- Copy the python code to your Maya Scripts Directory (C:\user\”USER”\Documents\Maya\”Version of maya you use\Scripts”)
2- Open Maya and go to script tab below on the left corner and change it to Python if you currently have MEL (Click on MEL to change it to Python)
3- Run this code (import DD’s_Rigging_Shortcuts_v01
run() )
1- Open the .py file throug notepad (I prefer Notepad++ or Sublime Text) and simple copy paste the code to
Maya’s Python script tab in Script Editor (Window>General Editors>Script Editor).
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