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Duplicate Along Path 1.5.1 for Maya (maya script)

Duplicate or Deform objects along a path, with a bunch of extra features!

Button download


  • 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:06/04/2015
File Size: 55.5 KB

Bugs (9 reported) Help make this item even better. Your bug reports are appreciated!

Date Priority Title Status
02/22/2016 high duplicate curves along curve Pending
10/15/2014 high Window won't open in Maya 2015 Closed
02/04/2014 high Deform along path fails if you use the same source mesh on a second curve Pending
02/04/2014 medium Refreshing a Deform will reset some settings Pending
02/04/2014 medium Undo doesn't work after Deform along path Pending
06/15/2013 low Error when launching script Closed
01/17/2013 medium Failed to Connect to the path error - curve within group object Active
12/15/2012 medium Refresh, Reverse, Delete, & Detach buttons don't work for Deformed objects Active
12/05/2012 low Moving curve after using scatter feature resets scatter Active
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