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Duplicate Along Path 1.5.1 for Maya (maya script)

Duplicate or Deform objects along a path, with a bunch of extra features!

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  • 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008

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  • Windows


Last Modified:06/04/2015
File Size: 55.5 KB
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  • ray40

    ray40 said about 3 years ago:

    the fact that this script is still very relevant on Maya 2022, bringing the very good spacing tool (very close to the one in 3dsmax) to Maya, says a lot about the shit job Autodesk does with it´s software. Pretty embarrasing. On a program that costs thousands of dollars. It´s just sad.
    thanks a lot John, for not forcing me to learn Blender
  • cptreynolds

    cptreynolds said over 4 years ago:

    amazing! using in 2020 version. thanks!
  • said almost 6 years ago:

    Nice!!!! I was usable in maya2018.
  • Joe Chidzik

    Joe Chidzik said about 9 years ago:

    Can't get this to work with Maya 2016; no panel or sidebar appears when trying it. Running via source "d:/work/scripts/downloaded/DupAlongPathToolbox.mel"; Any ideas?
  • xiaofei wei

    xiaofei wei said over 9 years ago:

    John Germann a great god How are you I am from China, small fly, thank you so much for the Maya plug-in "Duplicate Along the Path 1.5.1 script (Maya), available in maya2016. This is a very useful plugin. John Germann great god, can you make a "Duplicate Along the Path 1.5.1 script (Maya) of simplified Chinese. I represent all the people of the People's Republic of China to thank to you! John Germann大神 你好 我是来自中国的小飞,感谢你的maya插件《Duplicate Along Path 1.5.1 (maya script)》,在maya2016里可用。这是一个非常实用的插件。 John Germann大神,您能否制作一个《Duplicate Along Path 1.5.1 (maya script)》简体中文版的。我代表中华人民共和国全体人民向你至谢!
  • shermancg

    shermancg said over 9 years ago:

    I am working in Maya 2015 and I can confirm it works. Some people may need to switch "Python" to "Mel" next to the command line. It does pop the window up on the right-hand side. Thanks Grrr-man
  • John Germann

    John Germann said over 9 years ago:

    Now updated for 2016!
  • John Germann

    John Germann said over 9 years ago:

    I'll try to get a new update out in the next few weeks. It should work for 2015; a common problem people will see is that running the script at first appears to not do anything, but the window should show up as a buried tab on the far right. I will make it show up on top when you run it in the next update. I haven't tested 2016 compatibility yet, but I'll check it out as soon as I update to the new Maya. Might actually be the same problem in 2016? Thanks for all the great feedback!
  • juan betancourt

    juan betancourt said almost 10 years ago:

    please!!! maya 2016
  • animator1

    animator1 said almost 10 years ago:

    Not showing anything in MAYA 2015 Please help

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