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Graph Editor Redux, Digital Pose Test, MayaStylin' 3.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

cgJedi Animation Suite

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  • 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012

Operating Systems

  • Linux
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  • Windows


Last Modified:08/27/2017
File Size: 11.9 MB

Feature Request

maya 2011 x64?

Submitted by:iharmonic iharmonic
Hi! I would love to use this plugin. Is it possible to compile this plugin for 2011 x64? Thanks!

Comments on this feature request:

  • Alex M. Lehmann

    Alex M. Lehmann said over 14 years ago:

    If I might be so bold to ask for a Maya 2011 32-bit version as well =) It's a great tool, thanks a lot, Lx
  • JJ

    JJ said over 14 years ago:

    Or the 64 version as well. for 2011, that would be awesome..... Thank you
  • Jeff Almquist

    Jeff Almquist said about 14 years ago:

    Second for 2011 x64 please!. This looks great. Thanks so much.
  • Ferenczy Andras

    Ferenczy Andras said about 14 years ago:

    Lovely tool, please add 2011 x64!
  • dmabson

    dmabson said about 14 years ago:

    A 2011 x64 version would be awesome!
  • rbublitz

    rbublitz said almost 14 years ago:

    2011 x64 has been added
  • k v

    k v said almost 14 years ago:

    Am getting an error. After loading the plugin from the plugin manager on maya 2011- when I try to run the mel command GER –load; // Error: GER –load; // // Error: Syntax error // And the Python command doesnt do anything. Maybe I am missing something but I am not sure what.
  • samvolcano

    samvolcano said about 13 years ago:

    Hi, I'm getting a bad magic number error ( python error ) when trying to load it...I'm using MAYA 2010x32...I tried to load the 2008 version...shall I try the 2010x64 version instead ?

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