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Hair grabber 2.9.9 for Maya (maya script)

A helper tool for authoring hair cards for game assets.

Button download


Rating: 5.0


  • 2016

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:09/08/2017
File Size: 134 KB




Maya 2016, 2017 snapPivot doesn't function

Submitted bydclement dclement
Really interesting plugin, was thinking this could save us a lot of time, but a key feature isn't working correctly in the versions we're using. (to be honest I haven't tested other versions)
When clicking snapPivot the plane moves, but is nowhere near the haircap, just moves to a random point in space.
When running the script for the first time we get the following warnings:

# pymel.core : Updating pymel with pre-loaded plugins: mayaHIK, GamePipeline, CloudImportExport, tiffFloatReader, bifrostvisplugin, studioImport, ikSpringSolver, ik2Bsolver, xgenToolkit, AbcExport, retargeterNodes, gameFbxExporter, VectorRender, AutodeskPacketFile, OpenEXRLoader, Unfold3D, mayaCharacterization, modelingToolkit, MayaMuscle, rotateHelper, DirectConnect, matrixNodes, AbcImport, BifrostMain, autoLoader, sceneAssembly, gpuCache, Substance, OneClick, shaderFXPlugin, bifrostshellnode, ArubaTessellator, xgenMR, quatNodes, fbxmaya
xgmNurbsPatch [u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmPatch', u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmNurbsPatch']
# Warning: pymel.internal.apicache : lineage for node xgmNurbsPatch is cyclical: [u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmPatch', u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmNurbsPatch'] #
xgmSubdPatch [u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmPatch', u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmSubdPatch']
# Warning: pymel.internal.apicache : lineage for node xgmSubdPatch is cyclical: [u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmPatch', u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmSubdPatch'] #
xgmArchiveGuide [u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmGuide', u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmArchiveGuide']
# Warning: pymel.internal.apicache : lineage for node xgmArchiveGuide is cyclical: [u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmGuide', u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmArchiveGuide'] #
xgmCardGuide [u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmGuide', u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmCardGuide']
# Warning: pymel.internal.apicache : lineage for node xgmCardGuide is cyclical: [u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmGuide', u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmCardGuide'] #
xgmSphereGuide [u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmGuide', u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmSphereGuide']
# Warning: pymel.internal.apicache : lineage for node xgmSphereGuide is cyclical: [u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmGuide', u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmSphereGuide'] #
xgmSplineGuide [u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmGuide', u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmSplineGuide']
# Warning: pymel.internal.apicache : lineage for node xgmSplineGuide is cyclical: [u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmGuide', u'containerBase', u'entity', u'dagNode', u'shape', u'geometryShape', u'deformableShape', u'controlPoint', u'surfaceShape', u'THsurfaceShape', u'xgmSplineGuide'] #

Comments on this bug:

  • zahal

    zahal said about 8 years ago:

    Hey dclement, it's not a bug, just bad planning on my part. all you have to do is freeze the transforms. but let me do better than this, Ill update the script to take the world transforms instead of the object transform while snapping. download it again. also, the latest versions of my stuff are now on gumroad as it's easier to have a donation based environment there for me. Ill upload the latest version here and there.

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