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QTown 2.1.0 for Maya (maya script)

Build a fractal city based on selected polygons

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  • 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011

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  • Windows


Last Modified:04/30/2017
File Size: 279 KB


city, building, fractal


don't work

Submitted byRyan Stroup Ryan Stroup
I created a poly plane selected it and clicked apply in qtown and maya says "please select some polygons" which are selected.

What up?

Comments on this bug:

  • Anon Ymous

    Anon Ymous said about 14 years ago:

    If the QTown script doesn't work immediately, you have to go through a few steps that make it all come together. Have no worries, just follow these steps, and you'll be making cities in no time. In the bottom right corner or Maya 2011, you will see the Script Editor button. It looks like the battery charging icon on windows Pc's. It is directly below the Animation Preferences button, and the auto keyframe button. Click on the Script Editor button. When the Script Editor appears, click on the Load Script button in the top left corner. It is directly below the file menu. You have to tell Maya where you downloaded the QTown script to on your computer's hard drive. Just to give an example, it may possibly be "C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\Maya2011\scripts\Q Town\icQTown.mel" as in my case. After that is done click on open button in the bottom right corner. The Script Editor will now have the QTown script loaded, and shown in red under the MEL tab. To the top right, you will see a blue execute button. Click on that button. Just one last step. Minimize the Script Editor. Click in the MEL command line space below the timeline. Type "icQTown" without the quote marks. You should now see the QTown plugin appear. Have fun, and make something cool.
  • prat44

    prat44 said almost 14 years ago:

    i did exactly like written in the steps. even qtown opens but an error comes tht // Error: Please select some polygons! // even though i selected it !!wht do i do please help
  • +KAPPA+

    +KAPPA+ said over 13 years ago:

    i've the same problem of prat44...doing exactly the firtst step with a plane 8x8 with freezes transformations it doesn't works!!! help please
  • John Kennedy

    John Kennedy said almost 13 years ago:

    You have to select faces to the polygon object then apply the script.. This is the way it works for me. Love the script well done.

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