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Instancer Baking 3.0.1 for Maya (maya script)

This script can bake particle instancer into objects.

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  • 8.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:10/23/2014
File Size: 4.69 KB
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  • kekezsolt

    kekezsolt said almost 4 years ago:

    wow. thx it works in 2018
  • Linda Vuorenvirta

    Linda Vuorenvirta said over 8 years ago:

    Awesome! Just what I needed, thank you!
  • Fxkiller

    Fxkiller said almost 9 years ago:

    @ Xolobjam, It works for Maya 2015, If any problem, please let me know it.
  • xolobjam

    xolobjam said about 9 years ago:

    it's worked for me in the past, does it work on Maya 2015?

    MMD_GPHC said over 9 years ago:

    Thanks, great script! works a treat
  • McRyach

    McRyach said over 10 years ago:

    Thanks a lot!. Works Great! That works only on Instanced Particle. And take quite a time to bake it. But that's the only way to bake.
  • ranjykey

    ranjykey said over 10 years ago:

    Thank you, works like a charm!
  • magifu

    magifu said over 10 years ago:

    Thanks for the script, this is exactely what I was looking for. Nice job!
  • sunny596

    sunny596 said almost 13 years ago:

    nice script logu. its good that it retains the rotational values on the geo. i modified it to not create duplicates, but instances. its much more efficient now. mayb you can add it as an option in the ui. just change the duplicate command to instance, thats all. thanks !

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