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Maya Mail 0.0.3 for Maya (maya script)

Mail Clinet For Maya

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  • 2009, 2008

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:02/21/2009
File Size: 5.42 KB
Hi Guys

I just done a new python script for Maya .. send mails from Maya .

There is 3 options

1 : You can compose normal mail inside Maya and you can send to others

2 : If you want to send your Maya file details to someone there is option

3 : You can setup your mail server details

4 : You can include script editor log also with this mail (idea from
Jason )

Other Features :

You can load a CVS formatted contact list to script and it can give all the contacts .

Found some Bugs and fixed .. please note this changes

_ssl.lib file from C:Python25libs and paste to C:Program Files (x86)AutodeskMaya2008

and _ssl.pyd from C:Python25DLLs to C:Program Files (x86)AutodeskMaya2008

Here with this message i attached a new source code as zip format

if your using a authentication mail sever please un comment this lines

      #if your using a auth based server please enable next line else leave it as commented

And JAS a big thanks to you :)


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    Benson Poon
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