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MMtoKey 1.2.6 for Maya (maya script)

One hotkey for all tasks!

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  • 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016

Operating Systems

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Last Modified:06/14/2020
File Size: 21.2 KB


marking menu, Hotkeys


Not able to add Vray Lights as DAG Nodes

Submitted bySnatcher Snatcher

First of all thanks for this great script! I personally think this is one of the best (if not the best) add-on for Maya! I just cannot believe that Autodesk didn't implement this them self. 

It perfectly fills up the gap in the UI of Maya, and makes working with Maya so much quicker!
I believe every Maya user should install it.

I will be playing around with it this week and if I'll find any bugs I will report it here.

- The first Bugs I found are:

Bug 1:

MMtoKey is not able to add Vray Lights as DAG Nodes , It  does add a Locator node, when there is no Locator DAG existing in the list.

Bug 2:
When creating a shortcut with the MMtoKey Create HotkeyMaker. It always creates the Hotkey Name in the Maya hotkey Editor under Custom Scripts / User. But most of the time does not Assign the actual Hotkey. Even when there is nothing bound to the hotkey allready.

Bug 3:
On Windows  (atleast on my system), The UI of MMtoKey does not completely fit all the UI elements.
so you always need to push the small down arrow to see the panels tab. And the UI it self cannot be scaled. So that's kind of annoying.



Comments on this bug:

  • FormJune

    FormJune said about 9 years ago:

    Hello :) Thank you for comment! Let me help you: bug1: I suppose Vray developers used different method to define nodes (not dagnode->node) which causes these troubles. I'll download Vray and check hot it works asap! bug2: Yeah, I found that inside Maya 2016 only. So, it'll be fixed in new release (and when I get new Maya 2016). Right now I can advise to end up making hotkey manually. Bug3: I suppose that bug inside Maya 2016 and Win8. On my pc everything works fine (win10, maya 2015) But you can manually rescale UI: open line 339: self.setFixedSize(410, 255) 255 is Y size of main widget line 342: self.ui_tabwidget.setGeometry(0, 20, 400, 235) 235 is Y of tab widget. Just add same value to both of two these values and restart Maya. thank you, Andrey
  • Snatcher

    Snatcher said about 9 years ago:

    Hi Andrey Thanks for your help :) Man This Script is amazing!! I've been playing around with it all weekend (in combination with May9) And Man this speeds up things. What i also did was install Autohotkey (it's a open source Windows software) that makes you able to overrule every key combination in specific software. I assigned MMtoKey to the "\" button in Maya. And with the autohotkey software reassigned the Capslock button to look like it's pressing the "\" button. This way I can use your script with the Caps Locks! :) And that works even better. - I also took a look at your python files and re-assigned the 0,1,2 (left,mouse,right,middle) So that my Left Button, is the button that calls on the object specific Menu. You're spending more time adjusting things than creating things. So it's more ideal to have that on the left button. Bug Report: (Major problem) - But I think i found a big bug, i'm not able to get the menu to appear on my second screen. I first tought it was an error in the UV Editor popup, But once i put the UV-editor on a second screen and i push the button the menu won't show up. When i slide it back to my main screen, the menu shows up without any problem. Do you have a second monitor to check if you also have this problem? And if so, I sure hope you are able to fix it. It would be a big shame if i can't use the script in a 2 monitor setup. - Bug 2: ( When i assign a mel command to the / Maya Window / All_MM. mel command : SelectToggleMode; It doesn't work, in all other panels the command seems to work. Hope to hear from you.
  • FormJune

    FormJune said about 9 years ago:

    hi Snatcher, I've made MMtoKey for gamepad at once :D About RBM and LBM: standart mmtokey uses LBM as you did too. And has one and only hotkey (of course you can add wheel, but RBM). About vray: can you send me scene with vray light only saved in *.ma to breakdown? I temporaraly can't find vray for demo download. and now come to bugs: 1. No, I have cheap students laptop only. No second monitor :3 This bug related to May9 version only(thanks to PyQt4). Standart MMtoKey works fine with several monitors. Just download this one. I've already said this to May9. 2. Yeah, I know. Since found that worthless I turned off MayaWindow no-click command. But will switch on further. p.s. because of university exams I can't spend a lot of time to Maya scripting. Please, be patience! thanks, Andrey
  • FormJune

    FormJune said about 9 years ago:

    Hello! Some new information: MayaWindow now supports no-click commands PyQt has been removed from May9 version. Now it works with several monitors. UI has been redesigned. Creator not fixed, but will be as soon as I get Maya 2016. Warning has been added. Vray can be added in modified version only (like May9's one)
  • Davide Alidosi

    Davide Alidosi said about 9 years ago:

    OK, I've a fix for VRay light: 1) Install May9 1.6.1 2) Create light to map and select 3) Press and hold Z + MMB, go to Scene > Scene Manager > Define selection 4) From Script editor you have: the current selection mask, eg on VRayLightSphere: 22: VRayLightSphere1 (VRayLightSphereShape) 23: VRayLightSphere1 (VRayLightSphereShape) 24: VRayLightSphere1 (VRayLightSphereShape) 5) Go under Script folder > MM to Key > and add after line 19: 23: 'VRayLightSphereShape', 24: 'VRayLightSphereShape', The only limitation is that Maya recognize all the Vray light as the same, so you can use only a single MM. Hope it help and long live to Arnold!
  • Davide Alidosi

    Davide Alidosi said about 9 years ago:

    About keymaker I think Maya 2016 have a bug on the new hotkey editor that non allow to add hotkey from command line, try by yourself (code from MEL reference guide): nameCommand -annotation "Select Circle Tool" -command "setToolTo circleContext" circleToolNamedCommand; hotkey -k "F5" -alt -name "circleToolNamedCommand";
  • FormJune

    FormJune said over 8 years ago:

    Please, check out for Vray and MMtoKey 1.0+! It uses new search function, so vray light might be recognized properly.
  • Davide Alidosi

    Davide Alidosi said over 8 years ago:

    MMtoKey 1.0+ fix the problem, I've check! TNX Andrey!

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