:: LATEST ::
Hotfix applied for the version selector.
:: ABOUT ::
NSFBX is a smooth batch FBX exporter with a simplified UI, created to make things easy and straightforward.
-Batch export multiple meshes or groups at once
-Use group names as prefix
-Center mesh pivot before exporting
-Freeze to origin before export (basicly an "unfreeze" for the translate attributes: will restore 0,0,0 translate transforms)
-Freeze on location before export
-Preserve smoothing groups and hard/soft edges
-Preserve mesh input connections
-Preserve instances
-Export with up axis set to Z
Nightshade FBX is licensed under Creative Commons. A human-readable format of this license can be found here:
The legal version of this license is found here:
In short, NSFBX is free to use for both personal and commercial purposes - as long as you do not remix, transform or build upon this product. I believe in sharing and free software but do accept donations via PayPal. If you and/or your studio find great use of Nightshade FBX then please consider making a donation. Thanks!
1) Copy "prefs" and "scripts" to your Maya directory on your system disc (not the same as install dir).
It is usually found at:c:\Users\ YOUR USERNAME \Documents\maya\ VERSION NUMBER \
2) Inside Maya, open up the script editor and make sure you are on the Python tab and not the MEL tab.Then type the following lines:
import NSFBXreload(NSFBX)
...and hit Ctrl+Enter
3) If you want a shelf button, write the following in the script editor, then select the lines withthe mouse and drag the selection up to the shelf using MOUSE3 (middle mouse button):
import NSFBXreload(NSFBX)
4) In the \prefs\icons -directory there is a shelf icon called NS_FBX.bmp that you can use
-Support for exporting joints
-Support for exporting animations
It's easiest to contact me via mail:martin.dahlin@live.com
Please use the Feature Requests to give me ideas.
Please use the Support Forum if you have any questions or problems.
Please rate and review in the Review section.