Ninja City For Windows, mac, and linux
(Maya 2009 -2013)
Ninja City Will NOT work in the Student version
1. Fixed a crash bug when creating a new project
Install for PC users
1. Unzip Ninja City to any directory (example: C:/)
2. Open Maya
3. Open up the script window
4. copy and paste this line: source "C:/Ninja_City/Tools/Ninja_City.mel";Ninja_City("C:/Ninja_City");
5. drag the text to a shelf to create a button
For Mac users
1. Unzip Ninja City to a directory (example: \) (this is root directory)
2. Open Maya
3. Open up the script window
4. copy and paste this line: source "/Projects/Ninja_City/Tools/Ninja_City.mel";Ninja_City("/Ninja_City");
5. drag the text to a shelf to create a button
*It is best to install to the Root Directory of the Drive that you have Maya installed to*
Converting Maya Files:
It is best to convert all the maya files before using Ninja City.
This will save all the maya files to your version of maya
It will also repath all the texture paths to the location you have installed Ninja City to
Under the Convert Menu run Convert Maya Files
Run the Convert All
Or the Full Version of Ninja Dojo here:

All Modules have been edited with 2011. If you are using a version of Maya before 2011 you will have to run the convert RR files under the help menu. This has been tested on 2010 and works. The convert will repath all the texture calls and save the maya file to the same version of maya that you have run it on.
Why pay $35?
1. You get unlimited downloads / upgrades. You can download updates through your dashboard in the purchases tab.
2. I will be adding new features on a regular basis and bug fixing. (I am very open to feature requests)
3. I will give prompt tech support.
4. This script is a big time saver.
5. It goes to a good cause.. All sales will go to my son's college fund.
1. close UV Editor
1. close Mel Window

Render Ready Install Video
How to create Custom Modules
Procedural City Demo
Low Poly Procedural City
Custom Floor Plan Demo
Prepping maya (for some reason remove duplicate network flag doesnt work so you have to set this setting manually)
1. In maya go to the import options.
2. select the Remove duplicate shading networks.
3. go to the edit menu in the import options and select save settings.
4. Set your scale to centimeters.
5. Set your UP Axis to be Z
Build Tab
1. select either commercial or residential (the 2 round blue buttons)
2. select the building (the modules will get displayed below the building)
3. click the "Build It" button (you can also create a box and select it and hit the "Build It" button)
you should now have a building buit.
Edit Tab
under selection you can either select rows columns or between. or by side : north south east west
1. select a module(s) and click any of the selection buttons
you can replace modules with other alternate modules(The beta only has this for the NY style apartment building)
1. select only 1 module
2. click the build list in window button(this will create a new window showing all the modules associated with the building)
3. select the modules you want to replace.
4. in the new window click the alternate module you want to replace with
you can also replace by last selected
Extend and Shorten
you can extend and shorten either vertically and horizontally
1. select only 1 module (this will be the position where it extends or shortens)
2. click on any of the extend and shorten buttons
this will extrude the modules either out or in
1. select the modules you want to extrude(select only one side per extrusioin)
2. click either extrude out or extrude in