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Ninja Fracture 6.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

Breaks objects into chunks

(qty: 1)

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  • 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012

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Last Modified:12/13/2016
File Size: 95.8 KB


OSX error "out of range:0 everytime

Submitted by: SandHill SandHill
I have to load the script manually everytime or I get "Error: file: /Users/mt/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/2014-x64/prefs/scripts/Ninja_Fracture.mel line 3482: Value is out of range: 0 // "

VERRY iritating! 

Jan 2nd 2014 

Do something? 

Replies to this question:

  • Brian Keffer

    Brian Keffer said about 11 years ago:

    hey sandhill, you can create a shelf button with these 2 lines: source "/Users/mt/Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/2014-x64/prefs/scripts/Ninja_Fracture.mel"; Ninja_Fracture();
  • Replyindent

    SandHill said about 11 years ago:

    Thank you! I was able to fix the problem using your lines! It appears that I had to source the entire path to keep the shelf button working, as apposed to only using the command "Ninja_Fracture()". But it works now. Thank you again! And thank you for getting back to me on this so fast. Thats really very nice of you. Cheers.

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