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OBJ[I/O] - OBJ Sequences Import/Export 4.0.2 for Maya (maya script)

This tool helps importing and exporting OBJ sequences and single OBJs

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Last Modified:08/26/2022
File Size: 26.5 KB

Feature Request

load the objs' corresponding *.mtl files

Submitted by:Java Beta Java Beta
The scripts works great under Maya 2012(32-bit student version), while when I try to add a sequence of obj (each obj has a different .mtl file), the script fails to load the material, and because each frame has a different material, set it manually will be too time-consuming. I hope the author could add the feature to the script, thanks for your brilliant work!

Comments on this feature request:

  • Java Beta

    Java Beta said about 11 years ago:

    In addition, I import the obj from File->Import..., and both the texture and appearance are OK, so I think it's the problem of the script instead of my files, thanks!
  • CharlieWales

    CharlieWales said almost 10 years ago:

    Added on version 2.0.0 - The tool now supports to assign materials when importing (materials with textures only seem to work in Maya 2014+)

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