* I'm rewriting PoseMan 2.0 from scratch (python) working fine in Maya 2011 and new Qt interface.
More info, screens, wish list, etc... at poseman facebook page and cgtalk thread
Pose manager for Maya www.inartx.com/poseman/
Follow PoseMan at FACEBOOK

- New Feature: Create and Open characters at/from any path like regular software. No more charcters attached at maya projecst directory. Easy to share characters and poses :)
- New Feature: Drag And Drop poses to REORDER
- New Feature: Drag And Drop poses to trash icon to DELETE (like shelf)
- New Feature: Delete Sections and Poses are renamed to name.deleted
- Share/Move: Easy to share poses, just copy and paste PoseMan directory or character and sections directory, etc..
- Mix pose slider: Mix character to mix poses!
- Camera Preset: Store 5 camera presets per character to easy create pose thumbnail

- Reference: Works with differentes namespaces
- Bug fixed when apply pose with referecing scenes.
- Dock feature removed (too much buggy)
PoseMan - Feature screen

Camera presets to easy thumbnail capturing - Feature screen

Please use the Feature Requests to give me ideas.
Please use the Support Forum if you have any questions or problems.
Please rate and review in the Review section.