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QuickCollider 1.1.2 for Maya (maya script)

Toolbox for creating simple colliders from selection, to speed up workflow

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  • 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:07/17/2024
File Size: 434 KB
NOTE: New version for Maya 2018-2025, due to limited access by developer to any Maya version, the tool is untested. Please report back any issues. Thank you!

Quick Collider for Maya
A tool for creating colliders for use in game engines.
Is bundled with a version of DDConvexHull (
The script works for all newer versions of Maya and the plugin is compiled for 2018, 2019 and 2020.

The interface is minimal and only contains the buttons and small textfields for prefixes of the created colliders.
Hover over buttons for description and otherwise, play around!
Note: The defined prefixes are persistent and changing them will remain across Maya sessions. The starting ones are taken from Unreal Engine 4:
Comes with 9 modes:
Box and Capsule
      Creates a Box/Capsule, centered to the selection, aligned to world, with dimensions matching selection 
   Oriented to Selection Transform:
      Creates a Box/Capsule aligned to the rotation of the selection's transform
   Best Guess AutoOriented 2 axis:
      Creates a Box/Capsule by attempting an estimation based on the most elongation of the selection
   Best Guess AutoOriented 3 axis:
      Creates a Box by attempting 3 axis alignment. This means elongation differences are expected along 3 axis.
      (Note that these are estimates and will be less predictable the less elongated the selection is)
      Creates a sphere, centered in selection and encapsulating the whole selection.
      Utilises the included DDConvexHull plugin to generate a convex collider and displays the resulting triangle count in the bottom of the tool
   (Unity does not support over 255 triangles, hence the counter for keeping track.)
All works on object or component selection and unless colliders are grouped, naming should also increment according to UE4 and Unity requirements.

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