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"Rapid Rig: Advanced" - Auto Rig 2.3.8 for Maya (maya script)

This is a tool that will set up a customizable rig for a bipedal character

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Last Modified:12/10/2022
File Size: 132 KB


fk, autorig, auto-rig, Rig, maya


crashes M2016 with keyframes on ctrls

Submitted bydonharba donharba

I'm experiencing a problem on M2016+SP6 where as soon as I add keyframes to a ctrl and then scrub through the timeline to see the effects maya freezes and crashes.

I'm on quite an urgent job here (as always) and I'd really appreciate some help.



Comments on this bug:

  • donharba

    donharba said over 8 years ago:

    Also happens on mac and on M2016.5 (extension 2). I can scrub through a few times before it eventually dies. Gaz
  • donharba

    donharba said over 8 years ago:

    This happens straight out of the box as well, with no changes made to default settings. Thanks Gaz
  • Dustin Nelson

    Dustin Nelson said over 8 years ago:

    Could you email me your file? I want to test something. Other people have run into a similar issue, but it seems strangely specific to their machines when building the rig and I have not been able to reproduce a rig that crashes on my machine. Yet the rig they build will crash on my machine. -Dustin
  • donharba

    donharba said over 8 years ago:

    Hey Dustin, Thanks for the response. I certainly can. I've added you as a friend so that I can PM you. If you send me your email address through there, I'll send you the scene. As I say, its straight out of the box, with default settings. I had used this version a few months ago with no issues. I'm guessing it has to do with the latest service packs or some incompatibility therein. I removed my prefs as well, but still no luck. 2016.5 manages a few extra scrubs through the timeline, but ultimately fails as well. Thanks Gaz
  • Dustin Nelson

    Dustin Nelson said over 8 years ago:

    Send the file to my email address that is in the "Rig Extras" tab.
  • Chirkez

    Chirkez said over 8 years ago:

    Hey guys, I'm having the same problem. And it happens only when you animate neck controls and scrub thru time line. Neck+head maya crashes faster. Also sometimes it crashes making a playblast, or exporting alembic - same sam scrub time line issue. But it's definitely RRA neck that causes the problem. I'm using MAYA 2016 SP6, on Mac. I hope you will be able to fix this as soon as possible.
  • donharba

    donharba said over 8 years ago:

    Hey Chirkez, I received this code from Dustin: //start for ($constraint in `ls "*_*WristIKCG_parentConstraint1"`) { setAttr -l 0 ($constraint + ".interpType"); setAttr ($constraint + ".interpType") 1; } //end Apparently this could be the cause of all the issues. I've not tried it yet, so can't vouch for it, but hopefully it might get things running smoother for you. Gaz
  • Chirkez

    Chirkez said over 8 years ago:

    Hey donharba, Thanks for reply. Unfortunately this code doesn't solve the problem.
  • donharba

    donharba said over 8 years ago:

    Damn, I wonder if there's some conflict with a plugin/script introduced in SP6. I was using this rig fine until I updated. The worry is that it is broken in the first version of 2016.5 as well, so whatever may have changed looks likely to be an issue going forward... Gaz
  • Chirkez

    Chirkez said over 8 years ago:

    What version did you use before updating it to SP6? Maybe it's worth downgrading until script will be fixed.
  • Dustin Nelson

    Dustin Nelson said over 8 years ago:

    This is a bug with constraints in the version of Maya you are running, not in the Rapid Rig script itself. I have not been able to determine what the exact cause is. If changing its interpolation type doesn't fix it, the only solution I can suggest is deleting the crashing constraint. Unfortunately, this means that the hands will no longer be able to use the Dynamic Parenting attributes (ik hand following the Hips, Chest or Spine). Not ideal, but it's better than a rig that always crashes. Run the following line of code to delete the constraints: delete "*_*WristIKCG_parentConstraint1";
  • Chirkez

    Chirkez said over 8 years ago:

    Thanks Dustin, "delete "*_*WristIKCG_parentConstraint1";" solved my problem.

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