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Set Imageplane / Toggle ImagePlane 1.0.2 for Maya (maya script)

sets imageplane for your 3d model or toggles it on/off by pressing CTRL button

Button download


  • 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:09/16/2012
File Size: 13.7 KB




Error appears after choose images, and hitting "Done" Button.

Submitted byFire Dem0n Fire Dem0n
I seem to get an error when I hit the "Done" button. Here is what the error says.

# Error: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '2013 x64' #

I don't know what is causing it, and due to this I can't create the Imageplanes.

Any help would be creatly appreciated.


Comments on this bug:

  • san

    san said over 11 years ago:

    Can you also paste the line number , what you pasted it would be just oone line above..
  • Fire Dem0n

    Fire Dem0n said over 11 years ago:

    Here is all I can find. {'frontShape': 'C:/Users/___/Documents/maya/projects/___/sourceimages/Ship Building/Maya Images/Ship_Front_Profile.png', 'topShape': 'C:/Users/___/Documents/maya/projects/___/sourceimages/Ship Building/Maya Images/HMS_Victory_Top_View.png', 'sideShape': 'C:/Users/___/Documents/maya/projects/___/sourceimages/Ship Building/Maya Images/HMS_Victory_Side_View.png', 'backShape': 'C:/Users/___/Documents/maya/projects/___/sourceimages/Ship Building/Maya Images/Ship_Back_Profile.png'} # Error: ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '2013 x64' # Thats all it seems to be showing me. I am using Maya 2013 by the way.
  • san

    san said over 11 years ago:

    Got it why.. you have space in the folder name /Ship Building/ which is why you are gutting that error, You are not suppose to use folder or file names with space in them, using underscore instead of space is better option.
  • Fire Dem0n

    Fire Dem0n said over 11 years ago:

    Doing what you suggested changes nothing. I still get the same error and it still does not work and create the image reference planes with the images attached. Any other ideas?
  • san

    san said over 11 years ago:

    zip and send me your project, and I will try to set the image plane using this tool. and see what is causing the error.
  • Fire Dem0n

    Fire Dem0n said over 11 years ago:

    Well, I decided to go ahead and create them manually. So I won't be using the script. Thanks for the offer anyways though. I just wasted too much time trying to get this to work on figure it out.
  • san

    san said over 11 years ago:

    its your choice but since I am not developing tools for maya for a long time now, I dont get time to open maya at all. I will release a new version. with docString so you can also understand the code.

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