If you have a previous install of shotView for 2011, that was not working correctly, you MUST replace the file "shotViewDisplayPrefs.txt" with the new one included in this download. This fixes the compatability issues with the new GUI in 2011.
As usual, any issues you can e-mail me and I will address them if I can. Enjoy!
What is ShotView ?
ShotView is designed as a nice clean separate viewport window, suitable for animating a cinematic shot.
The idea is this - you animate in a default perspective viewport in maya's main window ( or any viewport you like ), and shotView remains as a constant sturdy representation of your camera view, compositional proportions, and final animation, that floats in its own window away from your messy animating area..... Its perfect if you have two monitors.
You can set automatic filtering options that will turn off any contollers you don't want to see when running a playblast - that will restore after the playblast has been created. You can even setup these filters on the default shot viewport, and control camera viewports.
It is setup to work with common aspect ratios akin to TV or feature, such as 4:3 16:9 1.235 etc which are all available as easy presets... but can be set to any custom resolution you like.
It works with any cameras you have in your scene ( e.g you don't need to create special "shotView" cameras )
There is the option of dual window functionality - so you can setup a main camera view ( that would most likely be your shot camera ) and use any number of embedded cameras that can contain any controllers or special setups that can help you with your animation ( usually facial GUI controllers - see below ). You can swap between these cameras really easily using the shotView camera switching buttons.

There is also the option to save your camera setups into the scene ... ( viewport settings and resolution settings etc are persistent through different maya sessions )

Addition of new "Navigator" window
- emulation of PhotoShop's navigator window
- enables you to zoom into your shot to work on specific areas that are easier to work with closer in.
- zooms and pans without moving your camera
- quickly jump back and forth between full shot view and your custom zoom and pan for comparison.
- ( see images below )

Navigator panel at full shot framing

Navigator panel zoomed in and panned to work more easily in smaller area
Extensive additional support for the saving and management of playblast videos:
- ability to save playblasts into custom folders with intelligent incrementing and time stamping
- example filename : C: / PlayBlasts / ActingShot / ActingShot_008_12.Aug.2008(14.33).avi
- quick access to custom playblast location folders
- easy playback of most recent playblast after video player has been closed down
- using these features you could easily and automatically build a record of your shot workflow progression
from start to finish, or easily recall progressive playblasts for feedback purposes.
The tool was initially designed to compensate for problems when attempting the same setup with a native "tear off" viewport. ShotView allows you to scrub through frames, playback on that window only, and also quickly playblast the window. Now all options of a native tearoff panel are available to you, but with the improved stability and functionality that shotView offers.
The black frame is designed as an aesthetic feature to gauge your poses and composition, which you can easily alter the size of if you wish.
Window area and playblast dimensions are accurate to the pixel, so ideal if you like to work accurately.
Please use the Feature Requests to give me ideas.
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