Adverti horiz upsell

Spider web maker 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

easy way of creating spider web

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  • 2012

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:09/20/2013
File Size: 222 KB




A boat load of error messages

Submitted byForester Forester

This looks like a very promising plugin. However, I can't get it to work either.  Here is the error list.


Error on Line 60. that I fixed by adding a "}" symbol.

Now the rest of the error list --

// Error: for ( $attr in $attributeArray )
// Error: Line 64.36: "$attributeArray" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: if ( !`objExists ( $objectShapes[0] +"." +$attr )` )
// Error: Line 67.45: "$objectShapes" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: if ( !`objExists ( $objectShapes[0] +"." +$attr )` )
// Error: Line 67.57: "$attr" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: print ("we haven't got attribute -- " +$attr +" so let's add it\n" ) ;
// Error: Line 70.58: "$attr" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: addAttr -longName $attr -attributeType $attributeType[$typeValue] $objectShapes[0] ;
// Error: Line 72.37: "$attr" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: addAttr -longName $attr -attributeType $attributeType[$typeValue] $objectShapes[0] ;
// Error: Line 72.91: "$attributeType" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: addAttr -longName $attr -attributeType $attributeType[$typeValue] $objectShapes[0] ;
// Error: Line 72.96: "$objectShapes" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: setAttr ( $objectShapes[0] +".radius" ) $size ;
// Error: Line 79.32: "$objectShapes" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: setAttr ( $objectShapes[0] +".radius" ) $size ;
// Error: Line 79.51: "$size" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: setAttr ( $objectShapes[0] +".pointSize" ) ((int)$size) ;
// Error: Line 80.32: "$objectShapes" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: setAttr ( $objectShapes[0] +".pointSize" ) ((int)$size) ;
// Error: Line 80.59: "$size" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: setAttr ( $objectShapes[0] +".colorRed" ) $color[0] ;
// Error: Line 81.32: "$objectShapes" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: setAttr ( $objectShapes[0] +".colorRed" ) $color[0] ;
// Error: Line 81.57: "$color" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: setAttr ( $objectShapes[0] +".colorGreen" ) $color[1] ;
// Error: Line 82.32: "$objectShapes" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: setAttr ( $objectShapes[0] +".colorGreen" ) $color[1] ;
// Error: Line 82.59: "$color" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: setAttr ( $objectShapes[0] +".colorBlue" ) $color[2] ;
// Error: Line 83.32: "$objectShapes" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: setAttr ( $objectShapes[0] +".colorBlue" ) $color[2] ;
// Error: Line 83.58: "$color" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: if ( $type == "points" ) setAttr ( $objectShapes[0] +".particleRenderType" ) 3 ;
// Error: Line 85.22: "$type" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: if ( $type == "points" ) setAttr ( $objectShapes[0] +".particleRenderType" ) 3 ;
// Error: Line 85.62: "$objectShapes" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: else if ( $type == "spheres" ) setAttr ( $objectShapes[0] +".particleRenderType" ) 4 ;
// Error: Line 86.22: "$type" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: else if ( $type == "spheres" ) setAttr ( $objectShapes[0] +".particleRenderType" ) 4 ;
// Error: Line 86.63: "$objectShapes" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: }
// Error: Line 87.1: Syntax error //
// Error: for ( $i in $arr01 ) $result[size($result)] = $i ;
// Error: Line 101.24: "$arr01" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: for ( $i in $arr01 ) $result[size($result)] = $i ;
// Error: Line 101.46: "$result" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: for ( $i in $arr01 ) $result[size($result)] = $i ;
// Error: Line 101.54: "$i" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: for ( $i in $arr02 ) $result[size($result)] = $i ;
// Error: Line 102.24: "$arr02" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: for ( $i in $arr02 ) $result[size($result)] = $i ;
// Error: Line 102.46: "$result" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: for ( $i in $arr02 ) $result[size($result)] = $i ;
// Error: Line 102.54: "$i" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: return $result ;
// Error: Line 103.20: "$result" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: }
// Error: Line 104.1: Syntax error //
// Error: return `mag $tempVec`;
// Error: Line 117.25: "$tempVec" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: }
// Error: Line 118.1: Syntax error //
// Error: for ($ps = 0 ; $ps < size($particleSystemArray) ; ++$ps)
// Error: Line 141.51: "$particleSystemArray" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: int $index = size($particleSystemArray) -$ps -1 ;
// Error: Line 144.47: "$particleSystemArray" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: - maxDistance 0.0 -rate $frameRate -spread 0.0 -speedRandom 0.0 -cycleEmission "none"
// Error: Line 151.44: "$frameRate" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: -directionalSpeed 0.0 -scaleSpeedBySize off -needParentUV off -scaleRateByObjectSize off $particleSystemArray[$ps]` ;
// Error: Line 153.123: "$particleSystemArray" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $combinedSystemName += ($particleSystemArray[$ps] +"_") ;
// Error: Line 160.59: "$particleSystemArray" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $percentageValue = $percentage/100.0 ;
// Error: Line 168.41: "$percentage" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: }
// Error: Line 180.1: Syntax error //
// Error: for ($i = 0 ; $i < $arraySize ; ++$i)
// Error: Line 195.35: "$arraySize" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: int $rndIndex = rand($arraySize) ;
// Error: Line 198.40: "$arraySize" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: int $currentIndexVal = $intArray[$i] ;
// Error: Line 200.46: "$intArray" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $intArray[$i] = $intArray[$rndIndex] ;
// Error: Line 202.46: "$intArray" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: return $intArray ;
// Error: Line 207.22: "$intArray" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: }
// Error: Line 208.1: Syntax error //
// Error: string $allVtxFace[] = `filterExpand -expand true -selectionMask 70 $faceToVtx` ;
// Error: Line 225.83: "$faceToVtx" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: return $faceVtxIntArray ;
// Error: Line 245.29: Use of "return" statement is only valid within a procedure definition. //
// Error: }
// Error: Line 246.1: Syntax error //
// Error: string $POLYCREATE_CMD = ("polyCreateFacet -constructionHistory off -name " +$name +" -texture 1 -subdivision 1") ;
// Error: Line 259.88: "$name" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: int $vtxID[] = `getFaceVerticesId $object $faceId` ;
// Error: Line 262.53: "$object" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: int $vtxID[] = `getFaceVerticesId $object $faceId` ;
// Error: Line 262.54: "$faceId" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $idPosition[3] = `xform -q -worldSpace -translation ($object +".vtx[" +$vtxID[$id] +"]")` ;
// Error: Line 267.76: "$object" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: return $faceGeo[0] ;
// Error: Line 276.24: Use of "return" statement is only valid within a procedure definition. //
// Error: }
// Error: Line 277.1: Syntax error //
// Error: ... polyPoke -localTranslate 0.0 0.0 0.0 -translate 0.0 0.0 0.0 -worldSpace on -constructionHistory on ($faceGeo +".f[0 //
// Error: Line 301.131: Illegal operation "+" on data of type string[]. //
// Error: float $faceCenter[3] = `xform -q -worldSpace -translation ($faceGeo +".vtx[" +$vtxSize[0] +"]")` ;
// Error: Line 303.90: Illegal operation "+" on data of type string[]. //
// Error: return {$faceCenter[0] , $faceCenter[1] , $faceCenter[2]} ;
// Error: Line 311.71: Use of "return" statement is only valid within a procedure definition. //
// Error: case "bbCenter":
// Error: Line 313.12: Syntax error //
// Error: float $faceBoundingBox[6] = `polyEvaluate -boundingBoxComponent ($object + ".f[" +$faceId +"]")` ;
// Error: Line 317.86: "$object" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $faceBoundingBox[6] = `polyEvaluate -boundingBoxComponent ($object + ".f[" +$faceId +"]")` ;
// Error: Line 317.103: "$faceId" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: return {$faceCenterX , $faceCenterY , $faceCenterZ} ;
// Error: Line 326.65: Use of "return" statement is only valid within a procedure definition. //
// Error: default:
// Error: Line 328.15: Syntax error //
// Error: return {0.0,0.0,0.0} ;
// Error: Line 330.34: Use of "return" statement is only valid within a procedure definition. //
// Error: }
// Error: Line 331.5: Syntax error //
// Error: float $xPos = ($boundingBoxPos[0] + $boundingBoxPos[3])/2 ;
// Error: Line 346.39: "$boundingBoxPos" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $xPos = ($boundingBoxPos[0] + $boundingBoxPos[3])/2 ;
// Error: Line 346.59: "$boundingBoxPos" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $yPos = ($boundingBoxPos[1] + $boundingBoxPos[4])/2 ;
// Error: Line 347.39: "$boundingBoxPos" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $yPos = ($boundingBoxPos[1] + $boundingBoxPos[4])/2 ;
// Error: Line 347.59: "$boundingBoxPos" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $zPos = ($boundingBoxPos[2] + $boundingBoxPos[5])/2 ;
// Error: Line 348.39: "$boundingBoxPos" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $zPos = ($boundingBoxPos[2] + $boundingBoxPos[5])/2 ;
// Error: Line 348.59: "$boundingBoxPos" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $xScl = abs ($boundingBoxPos[0] - $boundingBoxPos[3]) ;
// Error: Line 351.43: "$boundingBoxPos" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $xScl = abs ($boundingBoxPos[0] - $boundingBoxPos[3]) ;
// Error: Line 351.63: "$boundingBoxPos" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $yScl = abs ($boundingBoxPos[1] - $boundingBoxPos[4]) ;
// Error: Line 352.43: "$boundingBoxPos" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $yScl = abs ($boundingBoxPos[1] - $boundingBoxPos[4]) ;
// Error: Line 352.63: "$boundingBoxPos" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $zScl = abs ($boundingBoxPos[2] - $boundingBoxPos[5]) ;
// Error: Line 353.43: "$boundingBoxPos" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $zScl = abs ($boundingBoxPos[2] - $boundingBoxPos[5]) ;
// Error: Line 353.63: "$boundingBoxPos" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: return {$xPos,$yPos,$zPos,$xScl,$yScl,$zScl} ;
// Error: Line 356.50: Use of "return" statement is only valid within a procedure definition. //
// Error: }
// Error: Line 358.1: Syntax error //
// Error: string $tmpGroup = `group -world -empty -name ($object +"_tmpCurves")` ;
// Error: Line 373.60: "$object" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: for ( $oe = 0; $oe <$numberOfEdges[0] ; ++$oe)
// Error: Line 375.43: "$numberOfEdges" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: string $edgeCurve[1] = `duplicateCurve -constructionHistory off -range 0 -local off ($object +".e[" +$oe +"]")` ;
// Error: Line 378.103: "$object" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: ... string $attachedCurve[1] = `attachCurve -constructionHistory off -replaceOriginal off -keepMultipleKnots on -method 1 -blen //
// Error: Line 385.184: "$object" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: return $attachedCurve[0] ;
// Error: Line 390.30: Use of "return" statement is only valid within a procedure definition. //
// Error: }
// Error: Line 391.1: Syntax error //
// Error: float $max = `getAttr ($curve + ".maxValue")` ;
// Error: Line 405.35: "$curve" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $arcLengthDimensionShape = `arcLengthDimension ($curve +".u[" +$u +"]")` ;
// Error: Line 411.60: "$curve" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $arcLengthDimensionTransform = `listRelatives -parent $arcLengthDimensionShape` ;
// Error: Line 412.83: "$arcLengthDimensionShape" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: setAttr ($arcLengthDimensionShape +".uParamValue") $max ;
// Error: Line 415.39: "$arcLengthDimensionShape" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $curveLength = `getAttr ($arcLengthDimensionShape +".arcLength")` ;
// Error: Line 416.61: "$arcLengthDimensionShape" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: if ($distance <= 0.0 )
// Error: Line 420.20: "$distance" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: delete $arcLengthDimensionTransform ;
// Error: Line 423.45: "$arcLengthDimensionTransform" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: return 0.0 ;
// Error: Line 425.20: Use of "return" statement is only valid within a procedure definition. //
// Error: if ($distance >= $curveLength)
// Error: Line 427.20: "$distance" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: delete $arcLengthDimensionTransform ;
// Error: Line 430.45: "$arcLengthDimensionTransform" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: return $max ;
// Error: Line 432.21: Use of "return" statement is only valid within a procedure definition. //
// Error: $u = ($min + $max)/2.0 ;
// Error: Line 443.20: "$min" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: setAttr ($arcLengthDimensionShape +".uParamValue") $u ;
// Error: Line 445.43: "$arcLengthDimensionShape" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $curveLength = `getAttr ($arcLengthDimensionShape +".arcLength")` ;
// Error: Line 447.59: "$arcLengthDimensionShape" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: if (abs($curveLength - $distance) < $tolerance) break;
// Error: Line 450.41: "$distance" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: if (abs($curveLength - $distance) < $tolerance) break;
// Error: Line 450.55: "$tolerance" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: if ($curveLength > $distance) $max = $u ;
// Error: Line 455.37: "$distance" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: delete $arcLengthDimensionTransform ;
// Error: Line 463.41: "$arcLengthDimensionTransform" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: return $u;
// Error: Line 464.14: Use of "return" statement is only valid within a procedure definition. //
// Error: }
// Error: Line 465.1: Syntax error //
// Error: float $curveLength = `arclen -constructionHistory off $curve` ;
// Error: Line 484.65: "$curve" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $startDistance = $curveLength * $start ;
// Error: Line 486.50: "$start" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $startUParam = `curveUParamAtDistance $curve $startDistance $tolerance` ;
// Error: Line 487.69: "$curve" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $endDistance = $curveLength * $end ;
// Error: Line 489.46: "$end" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $endUParam = `curveUParamAtDistance $curve $endDistance $tolerance` ;
// Error: Line 490.65: "$curve" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: ... string $detachedCurves[] = `detachCurve -constructionHistory off -curveOnSurface on -replaceOriginal off -parameter $startUP //
// Error: Line 493.191: "$curve" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: int $curveForm = `getAttr ($curve +".form")` ;
// Error: Line 497.39: "$curve" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $detachedCurves[0] = `rename $detachedCurves[0] ($curve +"_part")` ;
// Error: Line 510.61: "$curve" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: return $detachedCurves[0] ;
// Error: Line 511.31: Use of "return" statement is only valid within a procedure definition. //
// Error: }
// Error: Line 512.1: Syntax error //
// Error: float $startDistance = $curveLength * $start ;
// Error: Line 528.50: "$start" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $endDistance = $curveLength * $end ;
// Error: Line 530.46: "$end" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $sectionLength = $chosenDistanceLength/($spinsAmount+1) ;
// Error: Line 534.63: "$spinsAmount" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: for ( $s = 0 ; $s < $spinsAmount ; ++$s )
// Error: Line 544.38: "$spinsAmount" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $uParamAtDistance = `curveUParamAtDistance $curveObject $sectionDistance $tolerance` ;
// Error: Line 550.86: "$curveObject" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: if ( $mode == 0 )
// Error: Line 552.21: "$mode" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: ... insertKnotCurve -constructionHistory off -curveOnSurface on -numberOfKnots 1 -addKnots on -insertBetween off -replac //
// Error: Line 555.158: "$curveObject" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: else if ( $mode == 1 )
// Error: Line 557.26: "$mode" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $currentKnotPosition[3] = `pointPosition -world ( $curveObject + ".u[" +$uParamAtDistance +"]")` ;
// Error: Line 560.82: "$curveObject" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: else if ( $mode == 3 )
// Error: Line 563.26: "$mode" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: ... insertKnotCurve -constructionHistory off -curveOnSurface on -numberOfKnots 1 -addKnots on -insertBetween off -replac //
// Error: Line 566.158: "$curveObject" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $currentKnotPosition[3] = `pointPosition -world ( $curveObject + ".u[" +$uParamAtDistance +"]")` ;
// Error: Line 568.82: "$curveObject" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: return {} ;
// Error: Line 574.23: Use of "return" statement is only valid within a procedure definition. //
// Error: return $knotsPositions ;
// Error: Line 594.28: Use of "return" statement is only valid within a procedure definition. //
// Error: }
// Error: Line 595.1: Syntax error //
// Error: currentTime -e $currentTime -update off ;
// Error: Line 614.33: "$currentTime" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: return $currentFPS ;
// Error: Line 616.24: Use of "return" statement is only valid within a procedure definition. //
// Error: }
// Error: Line 617.1: Syntax error //
// Error: for ($p = 0; $p < size($positionArray)/3 ; ++$p )
// Error: Line 631.42: "$positionArray" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $posX = $positionArray[$baseIndex] ;
// Error: Line 636.50: "$positionArray" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $posY = $positionArray[$baseIndex+1] ;
// Error: Line 637.52: "$positionArray" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $posZ = $positionArray[$baseIndex+2] ;
// Error: Line 638.52: "$positionArray" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $PARTICLE_CMD += (" -p " +$posX +" " +$posY +" " +$posZ) ;
// Error: Line 641.66: "$PARTICLE_CMD" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: string $particleNodes[2] = eval($PARTICLE_CMD) ;
// Error: Line 645.50: "$PARTICLE_CMD" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: return $particleNodes ;
// Error: Line 648.27: Use of "return" statement is only valid within a procedure definition. //
// Error: }
// Error: Line 649.1: Syntax error //
// Error: for ( $object in $distributionObjects )
// Error: Line 665.43: "$distributionObjects" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: if($seedPerObj) $seed = rand(0,$guiDerivedSeed) ;
// Error: Line 669.23: "$seedPerObj" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: if($seedPerObj) $seed = rand(0,$guiDerivedSeed) ;
// Error: Line 669.55: "$guiDerivedSeed" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: switch ($componentType)
// Error: Line 673.31: "$componentType" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $rotatePivotPosition[3] = `xform -q -worldSpace -rotatePivot $object` ;
// Error: Line 678.92: "$object" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $rPP[0] = `rename -ignoreShape $rPP[0] ($object +"_rotatePivot")`;
// Error: Line 682.65: "$object" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $boundingBox[6] = `placeBoundingBox $object` ;
// Error: Line 689.66: "$object" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $rPP[0] = `rename -ignoreShape $rPP[0] ($object +"_boundingBoxCenter")`;
// Error: Line 693.65: "$object" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: string $softBodyParticle[] = `soft -d $object` ;
// Error: Line 700.62: "$object" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $softBodyParticle[0] = `rename $softBodyParticle[0] ($object +"_vertex")` ;
// Error: Line 717.78: "$object" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $emissionRate = $frameRate * $count ;
// Error: Line 726.59: "$count" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: -directionalSpeed 0.0 -scaleSpeedBySize off -needParentUV off -scaleRateByObjectSize off $object` ;
// Error: Line 732.113: "$object" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: string $particleContainer[2] = `particle -name ($object +"_surface")` ;
// Error: Line 734.73: "$object" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: setAttr ($particleContainer[0] +".seed[0]") $seed ;
// Error: Line 738.67: "$seed" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $object = `edgesToCurves $object` ;
// Error: Line 752.49: "$object" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $emissionRate = $frameRate * $count ;
// Error: Line 756.59: "$count" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: -directionalSpeed 0.0 -scaleSpeedBySize off -needParentUV off -scaleRateByObjectSize off $object` ;
// Error: Line 762.113: "$object" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: string $particleContainer[2] = `particle -name ($object +"_edge" )` ;
// Error: Line 764.73: "$object" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: delete $object ;
// Error: Line 773.32: "$object" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $emissionRate = $frameRate * $count ;
// Error: Line 784.59: "$count" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: -scaleSpeedBySize off -needParentUV off -scaleRateByObjectSize off $object` ;
// Error: Line 791.91: "$object" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: string $particleContainer[2] = `particle -name ($object +"_volume")` ;
// Error: Line 793.73: "$object" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $bb[6] = `placeBoundingBox $object` ;
// Error: Line 803.57: "$object" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: string $objectShape[1] = `listRelatives -children -shapes -type "mesh" $object` ;
// Error: Line 815.95: "$object" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: setAttr ($particleContainer[0] +".seed[0]") $seed ;
// Error: Line 849.67: "$seed" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: int $facesNumber[1] = `polyEvaluate -face $object` ;
// Error: Line 862.66: "$object" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $centerPosition[3] = `getFaceCenter "centroid" $object $fId` ;
// Error: Line 868.85: "$object" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $rPP[0] = `rename -ignoreShape $rPP[0] ($object +"_faceCenter")`;
// Error: Line 877.65: "$object" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: string $tmpObj = `curveInRange $object $start $end` ;
// Error: Line 885.61: "$object" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: string $tmpObj = `curveInRange $object $start $end` ;
// Error: Line 885.66: "$start" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: string $tmpObj = `curveInRange $object $start $end` ;
// Error: Line 885.67: "$end" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $emissionRate = $frameRate * $count ;
// Error: Line 890.59: "$count" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: string $particleContainer[2] = `particle -name ($object +"_curve")` ;
// Error: Line 898.73: "$object" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: setAttr ($particleContainer[0] +".seed[0]") $seed ;
// Error: Line 902.67: "$seed" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: if ($tmpObj != $object) delete $tmpObj ;
// Error: Line 911.39: "$object" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $knotsPositions[] = `insertCurveKnots $object $start $end $spins 1` ;
// Error: Line 918.74: "$object" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $knotsPositions[] = `insertCurveKnots $object $start $end $spins 1` ;
// Error: Line 918.79: "$start" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $knotsPositions[] = `insertCurveKnots $object $start $end $spins 1` ;
// Error: Line 918.86: "$end" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $knotsPositions[] = `insertCurveKnots $object $start $end $spins 1` ;
// Error: Line 918.88: "$spins" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $rPP[0] = `rename -ignoreShape $rPP[0] ($object +"_rotatePivot")`;
// Error: Line 922.65: "$object" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: int $curvesArrayCount = size( $distributionObjects ) ;
// Error: Line 929.68: "$distributionObjects" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: int $pointsToDistribute = $curvesArrayCount * $spins ;
// Error: Line 930.70: "$spins" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $tmpStart = $start ;
// Error: Line 941.42: "$start" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $tmpEnd = $end ;
// Error: Line 942.38: "$end" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: string $currentCurve = $distributionObjects[$p%$curvesArrayCount] ;
// Error: Line 946.87: "$distributionObjects" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: return;
// Error: Line 984.23: Use of "return" statement is only valid within a procedure definition. //
// Error: string $tmpObj = `curveInRange $object $start $end` ;
// Error: Line 992.61: "$object" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: string $tmpObj = `curveInRange $object $start $end` ;
// Error: Line 992.66: "$start" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: string $tmpObj = `curveInRange $object $start $end` ;
// Error: Line 992.67: "$end" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: string $particleContainer[2] = `particle -name ($object +"_EPcurve")` ;
// Error: Line 1007.73: "$object" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: setAttr ($particleContainer[0] +".seed[0]") $seed ;
// Error: Line 1011.67: "$seed" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: if ($tmpObj != $object) delete $tmpObj ;
// Error: Line 1022.39: "$object" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: string $tmpObj = `curveInRange $object $start $end` ;
// Error: Line 1030.61: "$object" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: string $tmpObj = `curveInRange $object $start $end` ;
// Error: Line 1030.66: "$start" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: string $tmpObj = `curveInRange $object $start $end` ;
// Error: Line 1030.67: "$end" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: string $particleContainer[2] = `particle -name ($object +"_CPcurve")` ;
// Error: Line 1044.73: "$object" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: setAttr ($particleContainer[0] +".seed[0]") $seed ;
// Error: Line 1048.67: "$seed" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: if ($tmpObj != $object) delete $tmpObj ;
// Error: Line 1057.39: "$object" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: }
// Error: Line 1065.1: Syntax error //
// Error: for ( $particleSystem in $particleSystemArray )
// Error: Line 1084.51: "$particleSystemArray" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: string $curSystemShapes[1] = `listRelatives -children -shapes -fullPath -type "particle" $particleSystem` ;
// Error: Line 1087.113: "$particleSystem" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $particlePositions = `floatConcatenate $particlePositions $curSystemPositions` ;
// Error: Line 1091.86: "$particlePositions" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: int $particlesCount = size($particlePositions)/3 ;
// Error: Line 1094.50: "$particlePositions" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: if ( $particlesCount <= 1 ) return ;
// Error: Line 1097.40: Use of "return" statement is only valid within a procedure definition. //
// Error: if ( $methodMode == 3 )
// Error: Line 1123.27: "$methodMode" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $startPoint[0] = $particlePositions[$startIndices[$p]*3 +0] ;
// Error: Line 1126.73: "$particlePositions" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $startPoint[1] = $particlePositions[$startIndices[$p]*3 +1] ;
// Error: Line 1127.73: "$particlePositions" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $startPoint[2] = $particlePositions[$startIndices[$p]*3 +2] ;
// Error: Line 1128.73: "$particlePositions" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $endPoint[0] = $particlePositions[$endIndices[$p]*3 +0] ;
// Error: Line 1130.69: "$particlePositions" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $endPoint[1] = $particlePositions[$endIndices[$p]*3 +1] ;
// Error: Line 1131.69: "$particlePositions" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $endPoint[2] = $particlePositions[$endIndices[$p]*3 +2] ;
// Error: Line 1132.69: "$particlePositions" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: else if ( $methodMode == 1 )
// Error: Line 1136.32: "$methodMode" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $startPoint[0] = $particlePositions[$startIndices[$p]*3 +0] ;
// Error: Line 1139.73: "$particlePositions" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $startPoint[1] = $particlePositions[$startIndices[$p]*3 +1] ;
// Error: Line 1140.73: "$particlePositions" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $startPoint[2] = $particlePositions[$startIndices[$p]*3 +2] ;
// Error: Line 1141.73: "$particlePositions" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $endPoint[0] = $particlePositions[$p*3 +0] ;
// Error: Line 1143.56: "$particlePositions" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $endPoint[1] = $particlePositions[$p*3 +1] ;
// Error: Line 1144.56: "$particlePositions" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $endPoint[2] = $particlePositions[$p*3 +2] ;
// Error: Line 1145.56: "$particlePositions" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: else if ( $methodMode == 2 )
// Error: Line 1148.32: "$methodMode" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $startPoint[0] = $particlePositions[$p*3 +0] ;
// Error: Line 1151.58: "$particlePositions" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $startPoint[1] = $particlePositions[$p*3 +1] ;
// Error: Line 1152.58: "$particlePositions" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $startPoint[2] = $particlePositions[$p*3 +2] ;
// Error: Line 1153.58: "$particlePositions" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $endPoint[0] = $particlePositions[$endIndices[$p]*3 +0] ;
// Error: Line 1155.69: "$particlePositions" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $endPoint[1] = $particlePositions[$endIndices[$p]*3 +1] ;
// Error: Line 1156.69: "$particlePositions" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $endPoint[2] = $particlePositions[$endIndices[$p]*3 +2] ;
// Error: Line 1157.69: "$particlePositions" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: return ;
// Error: Line 1164.20: Use of "return" statement is only valid within a procedure definition. //
// Error: if ( $distance <= $skipIfDistance ) continue;
// Error: Line 1198.43: "$skipIfDistance" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $minimumThreshold = $distanceThreshold[0] + rand($distanceThresholdRand[0],$distanceThresholdRand[1]);
// Error: Line 1201.57: "$distanceThreshold" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $minimumThreshold = $distanceThreshold[0] + rand($distanceThresholdRand[0],$distanceThresholdRand[1]);
// Error: Line 1201.89: "$distanceThresholdRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $minimumThreshold = $distanceThreshold[0] + rand($distanceThresholdRand[0],$distanceThresholdRand[1]);
// Error: Line 1201.115: "$distanceThresholdRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $maximumThreshold = $distanceThreshold[1] + rand($distanceThresholdRand[2],$distanceThresholdRand[3]);
// Error: Line 1203.57: "$distanceThreshold" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $maximumThreshold = $distanceThreshold[1] + rand($distanceThresholdRand[2],$distanceThresholdRand[3]);
// Error: Line 1203.89: "$distanceThresholdRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $maximumThreshold = $distanceThreshold[1] + rand($distanceThresholdRand[2],$distanceThresholdRand[3]);
// Error: Line 1203.115: "$distanceThresholdRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $xGravityRand = rand(-$gravityVectorRand[0] ,$gravityVectorRand[0]) ;
// Error: Line 1209.59: "$gravityVectorRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $xGravityRand = rand(-$gravityVectorRand[0] ,$gravityVectorRand[0]) ;
// Error: Line 1209.81: "$gravityVectorRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $yGravityRand = rand(-$gravityVectorRand[1] ,$gravityVectorRand[1]) ;
// Error: Line 1210.59: "$gravityVectorRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $yGravityRand = rand(-$gravityVectorRand[1] ,$gravityVectorRand[1]) ;
// Error: Line 1210.81: "$gravityVectorRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $zGravityRand = rand(-$gravityVectorRand[2] ,$gravityVectorRand[2]) ;
// Error: Line 1211.59: "$gravityVectorRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $zGravityRand = rand(-$gravityVectorRand[2] ,$gravityVectorRand[2]) ;
// Error: Line 1211.81: "$gravityVectorRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $magnitude = rand( $gravityMagMultiplier[0] , $gravityMagMultiplier[1] ) ;
// Error: Line 1215.59: "$gravityMagMultiplier" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $magnitude = rand( $gravityMagMultiplier[0] , $gravityMagMultiplier[1] ) ;
// Error: Line 1215.86: "$gravityMagMultiplier" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: vector $finalGravityVector = $magnitude * ( $gravityRandVec + $gravityVector ) ;
// Error: Line 1216.86: "$gravityVector" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $finalGravityPlacing = $gravityPlacing + rand( $gravityPlacingRand[0] , $gravityPlacingRand[1] ) ;
// Error: Line 1218.54: "$gravityPlacing" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $finalGravityPlacing = $gravityPlacing + rand( $gravityPlacingRand[0] , $gravityPlacingRand[1] ) ;
// Error: Line 1218.85: "$gravityPlacingRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $finalGravityPlacing = $gravityPlacing + rand( $gravityPlacingRand[0] , $gravityPlacingRand[1] ) ;
// Error: Line 1218.110: "$gravityPlacingRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: if ( ( $distanceThresholdComponent[0] > $xThreshold ) && ( $distanceThresholdComponent[1] > $yThreshold ) && ( $dist€ //
// Error: Line 1240.51: "$distanceThresholdComponent" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: if ( ( $distanceThresholdComponent[0] > $xThreshold ) && ( $distanceThresholdComponent[1] > $yThreshold ) && ( $dist€ //
// Error: Line 1240.103: "$distanceThresholdComponent" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: ... if ( ( $distanceThresholdComponent[0] > $xThreshold ) && ( $distanceThresholdComponent[1] > $yThreshold ) && ( $dist //
// Error: Line 1240.155: "$distanceThresholdComponent" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $currentCurve = `curve -degree $curveDegree -worldSpace -name "thread_00" -ep $startPoint[0] $startPoint[1] $sta€ //
// Error: Line 1243.61: "$curveDegree" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: }
// Error: Line 1283.1: Syntax error //
// Error: for ( $particleSystem in $particleSystemArray )
// Error: Line 1302.51: "$particleSystemArray" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: string $curSystemShapes[1] = `listRelatives -children -shapes -fullPath -type "particle" $particleSystem` ;
// Error: Line 1305.113: "$particleSystem" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $particlePositions = `floatConcatenate $particlePositions $curSystemPositions` ;
// Error: Line 1309.86: "$particlePositions" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: int $particlesCount = size($particlePositions)/3 ;
// Error: Line 1312.50: "$particlePositions" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: int $particleSystemsCount = size($particleSystemArray) ;
// Error: Line 1313.58: "$particleSystemArray" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: if ( $particlesCount <= 0 ) return ;
// Error: Line 1316.40: Use of "return" statement is only valid within a procedure definition. //
// Error: if (`objExists $objectPivot`)
// Error: Line 1325.32: "$objectPivot" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $endPoint = `xform -q -ws -rotatePivot $objectPivot` ;
// Error: Line 1328.60: "$objectPivot" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: for ( $particleSystem in $particleSystemArray )
// Error: Line 1338.55: "$particleSystemArray" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: string $curSystemShapes[1] = `listRelatives -children -shapes -fullPath -type "particle" $particleSystem` ;
// Error: Line 1341.117: "$particleSystem" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $startPoint[0] = $particlePositions[$p*3+0] ;
// Error: Line 1357.53: "$particlePositions" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $startPoint[1] = $particlePositions[$p*3+1] ;
// Error: Line 1358.53: "$particlePositions" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $startPoint[2] = $particlePositions[$p*3+2] ;
// Error: Line 1359.53: "$particlePositions" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: if ( $distance <= $skipIfDistance ) continue;
// Error: Line 1372.43: "$skipIfDistance" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $minimumThreshold = $distanceThreshold[0] + rand($distanceThresholdRand[0],$distanceThresholdRand[1]);
// Error: Line 1375.57: "$distanceThreshold" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $minimumThreshold = $distanceThreshold[0] + rand($distanceThresholdRand[0],$distanceThresholdRand[1]);
// Error: Line 1375.89: "$distanceThresholdRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $minimumThreshold = $distanceThreshold[0] + rand($distanceThresholdRand[0],$distanceThresholdRand[1]);
// Error: Line 1375.115: "$distanceThresholdRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $maximumThreshold = $distanceThreshold[1] + rand($distanceThresholdRand[2],$distanceThresholdRand[3]);
// Error: Line 1377.57: "$distanceThreshold" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $maximumThreshold = $distanceThreshold[1] + rand($distanceThresholdRand[2],$distanceThresholdRand[3]);
// Error: Line 1377.89: "$distanceThresholdRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $maximumThreshold = $distanceThreshold[1] + rand($distanceThresholdRand[2],$distanceThresholdRand[3]);
// Error: Line 1377.115: "$distanceThresholdRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $xGravityRand = rand(-$gravityVectorRand[0] ,$gravityVectorRand[0]) ;
// Error: Line 1383.59: "$gravityVectorRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $xGravityRand = rand(-$gravityVectorRand[0] ,$gravityVectorRand[0]) ;
// Error: Line 1383.81: "$gravityVectorRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $yGravityRand = rand(-$gravityVectorRand[1] ,$gravityVectorRand[1]) ;
// Error: Line 1384.59: "$gravityVectorRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $yGravityRand = rand(-$gravityVectorRand[1] ,$gravityVectorRand[1]) ;
// Error: Line 1384.81: "$gravityVectorRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $zGravityRand = rand(-$gravityVectorRand[2] ,$gravityVectorRand[2]) ;
// Error: Line 1385.59: "$gravityVectorRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $zGravityRand = rand(-$gravityVectorRand[2] ,$gravityVectorRand[2]) ;
// Error: Line 1385.81: "$gravityVectorRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $magnitude = rand( $gravityMagMultiplier[0] , $gravityMagMultiplier[1] ) ;
// Error: Line 1389.59: "$gravityMagMultiplier" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $magnitude = rand( $gravityMagMultiplier[0] , $gravityMagMultiplier[1] ) ;
// Error: Line 1389.86: "$gravityMagMultiplier" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: vector $finalGravityVector = $magnitude * ( $gravityRandVec + $gravityVector ) ;
// Error: Line 1390.86: "$gravityVector" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $finalGravityPlacing = $gravityPlacing + rand( $gravityPlacingRand[0] , $gravityPlacingRand[1] ) ;
// Error: Line 1392.54: "$gravityPlacing" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $finalGravityPlacing = $gravityPlacing + rand( $gravityPlacingRand[0] , $gravityPlacingRand[1] ) ;
// Error: Line 1392.85: "$gravityPlacingRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $finalGravityPlacing = $gravityPlacing + rand( $gravityPlacingRand[0] , $gravityPlacingRand[1] ) ;
// Error: Line 1392.110: "$gravityPlacingRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: if ( ( $distanceThresholdComponent[0] > $xThreshold ) && ( $distanceThresholdComponent[1] > $yThreshold ) && ( $dist€ //
// Error: Line 1399.51: "$distanceThresholdComponent" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: if ( ( $distanceThresholdComponent[0] > $xThreshold ) && ( $distanceThresholdComponent[1] > $yThreshold ) && ( $dist€ //
// Error: Line 1399.103: "$distanceThresholdComponent" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: ... if ( ( $distanceThresholdComponent[0] > $xThreshold ) && ( $distanceThresholdComponent[1] > $yThreshold ) && ( $dist //
// Error: Line 1399.155: "$distanceThresholdComponent" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $currentCurve = `curve -degree $curveDegree -worldSpace -name "thread_00" -ep $startPoint[0] $startPoint[1] $sta€ //
// Error: Line 1402.61: "$curveDegree" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: }
// Error: Line 1423.1: Syntax error //
// Error: int $particleSystemsCount = size($particleSystemArray) ;
// Error: Line 1444.58: "$particleSystemArray" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: for ( $particleSystem in $particleSystemArray )
// Error: Line 1446.51: "$particleSystemArray" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: string $curSystemShapes[1] = `listRelatives -children -shapes -fullPath -type "particle" $particleSystem` ;
// Error: Line 1449.113: "$particleSystem" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: if ( $particlesCount <= 1) return ;
// Error: Line 1457.39: Use of "return" statement is only valid within a procedure definition. //
// Error: string $curSystemShapes[1] = `listRelatives -shapes -children -type "particle" $particleSystemArray[0]` ;
// Error: Line 1466.111: "$particleSystemArray" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: if (!$isClosed) break ;
// Error: Line 1481.31: "$isClosed" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $startPoint = `particle -attribute $particleSpace -order $pID -q $curSystemShapes[0]` ;
// Error: Line 1490.63: "$particleSpace" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $endPoint = `particle -attribute $particleSpace -order $nextIndex -q $curSystemShapes[0]` ;
// Error: Line 1491.61: "$particleSpace" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: if ( $distance <= $skipIfDistance ) continue;
// Error: Line 1504.47: "$skipIfDistance" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $minimumThreshold = $distanceThreshold[0] + rand($distanceThresholdRand[0],$distanceThresholdRand[1]);
// Error: Line 1507.61: "$distanceThreshold" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $minimumThreshold = $distanceThreshold[0] + rand($distanceThresholdRand[0],$distanceThresholdRand[1]);
// Error: Line 1507.93: "$distanceThresholdRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $minimumThreshold = $distanceThreshold[0] + rand($distanceThresholdRand[0],$distanceThresholdRand[1]);
// Error: Line 1507.119: "$distanceThresholdRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $maximumThreshold = $distanceThreshold[1] + rand($distanceThresholdRand[2],$distanceThresholdRand[3]);
// Error: Line 1509.61: "$distanceThreshold" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $maximumThreshold = $distanceThreshold[1] + rand($distanceThresholdRand[2],$distanceThresholdRand[3]);
// Error: Line 1509.93: "$distanceThresholdRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $maximumThreshold = $distanceThreshold[1] + rand($distanceThresholdRand[2],$distanceThresholdRand[3]);
// Error: Line 1509.119: "$distanceThresholdRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $xGravityRand = rand(-$gravityVectorRand[0] ,$gravityVectorRand[0]) ;
// Error: Line 1515.63: "$gravityVectorRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $xGravityRand = rand(-$gravityVectorRand[0] ,$gravityVectorRand[0]) ;
// Error: Line 1515.85: "$gravityVectorRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $yGravityRand = rand(-$gravityVectorRand[1] ,$gravityVectorRand[1]) ;
// Error: Line 1516.63: "$gravityVectorRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $yGravityRand = rand(-$gravityVectorRand[1] ,$gravityVectorRand[1]) ;
// Error: Line 1516.85: "$gravityVectorRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $zGravityRand = rand(-$gravityVectorRand[2] ,$gravityVectorRand[2]) ;
// Error: Line 1517.63: "$gravityVectorRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $zGravityRand = rand(-$gravityVectorRand[2] ,$gravityVectorRand[2]) ;
// Error: Line 1517.85: "$gravityVectorRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $magnitude = rand( $gravityMagMultiplier[0] , $gravityMagMultiplier[1] ) ;
// Error: Line 1521.63: "$gravityMagMultiplier" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $magnitude = rand( $gravityMagMultiplier[0] , $gravityMagMultiplier[1] ) ;
// Error: Line 1521.90: "$gravityMagMultiplier" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: vector $finalGravityVector = $magnitude * ( $gravityRandVec + $gravityVector ) ;
// Error: Line 1522.90: "$gravityVector" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $finalGravityPlacing = $gravityPlacing + rand( $gravityPlacingRand[0] , $gravityPlacingRand[1] ) ;
// Error: Line 1524.58: "$gravityPlacing" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $finalGravityPlacing = $gravityPlacing + rand( $gravityPlacingRand[0] , $gravityPlacingRand[1] ) ;
// Error: Line 1524.89: "$gravityPlacingRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $finalGravityPlacing = $gravityPlacing + rand( $gravityPlacingRand[0] , $gravityPlacingRand[1] ) ;
// Error: Line 1524.114: "$gravityPlacingRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: if ( ( $distanceThresholdComponent[0] > $xThreshold ) && ( $distanceThresholdComponent[1] > $yThreshold ) && ( $€ //
// Error: Line 1531.55: "$distanceThresholdComponent" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: if ( ( $distanceThresholdComponent[0] > $xThreshold ) && ( $distanceThresholdComponent[1] > $yThreshold ) && ( $€ //
// Error: Line 1531.107: "$distanceThresholdComponent" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: ... if ( ( $distanceThresholdComponent[0] > $xThreshold ) && ( $distanceThresholdComponent[1] > $yThreshold ) && ( $ //
// Error: Line 1531.159: "$distanceThresholdComponent" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $currentCurve = `curve -degree $curveDegree -worldSpace -name "thread_00" -ep $startPoint[0] $startPoint[1] € //
// Error: Line 1534.65: "$curveDegree" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: for ($ps = 0 ; $ps < size($particleSystemArray) ; ++$ps)
// Error: Line 1588.55: "$particleSystemArray" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: print $particleSystemArray[$ps] ;
// Error: Line 1591.45: "$particleSystemArray" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: if( $nextIndex >= size($particleSystemArray) )
// Error: Line 1598.56: "$particleSystemArray" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: if (!$isClosed) break ;
// Error: Line 1601.31: "$isClosed" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: string $curSystemShapes[1] = `listRelatives -shapes -children -type "particle" $particleSystemArray[$ps]` ;
// Error: Line 1610.117: "$particleSystemArray" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $curSystemPPos[] = `getParticleAttr -attribute $particleSpace -array true $curSystemShapes[0]` ;
// Error: Line 1614.81: "$particleSpace" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: string $nextSystemShapes[1] = `listRelatives -shapes -children -type "particle" $particleSystemArray[$nextIndex]` ;
€ //
// Error: Line 1616.125: "$particleSystemArray" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $nextSystemPPos[] = `getParticleAttr -attribute $particleSpace -array true $nextSystemShapes[0]` ;
// Error: Line 1620.82: "$particleSpace" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: if ( $orderMode == 1 )
// Error: Line 1665.34: "$orderMode" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $startPoint = `particle -attribute $particleSpace -order $startIndices[$pID] -q $biggerCount[0]` ;
// Error: Line 1667.71: "$particleSpace" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $endPoint = `particle -attribute $particleSpace -order $endOrderVal -q $smallerCount[0]` ;
// Error: Line 1670.69: "$particleSpace" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: else if ( $orderMode == 2)
// Error: Line 1674.39: "$orderMode" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $startPoint = `particle -attribute $particleSpace -order $pID -q $biggerCount[0]` ;
// Error: Line 1678.71: "$particleSpace" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: $endPoint = `particle -attribute $particleSpace -order $sPID -q $smallerCount[0]` ;
// Error: Line 1679.69: "$particleSpace" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: return ;
// Error: Line 1686.28: Use of "return" statement is only valid within a procedure definition. //
// Error: if ( $distance <= $skipIfDistance ) continue;
// Error: Line 1699.51: "$skipIfDistance" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $minimumThreshold = $distanceThreshold[0] + rand($distanceThresholdRand[0],$distanceThresholdRand[1]);
// Error: Line 1702.65: "$distanceThreshold" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $minimumThreshold = $distanceThreshold[0] + rand($distanceThresholdRand[0],$distanceThresholdRand[1]);
// Error: Line 1702.97: "$distanceThresholdRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $minimumThreshold = $distanceThreshold[0] + rand($distanceThresholdRand[0],$distanceThresholdRand[1]);
// Error: Line 1702.123: "$distanceThresholdRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $maximumThreshold = $distanceThreshold[1] + rand($distanceThresholdRand[2],$distanceThresholdRand[3]);
// Error: Line 1704.65: "$distanceThreshold" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $maximumThreshold = $distanceThreshold[1] + rand($distanceThresholdRand[2],$distanceThresholdRand[3]);
// Error: Line 1704.97: "$distanceThresholdRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $maximumThreshold = $distanceThreshold[1] + rand($distanceThresholdRand[2],$distanceThresholdRand[3]);
// Error: Line 1704.123: "$distanceThresholdRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $xGravityRand = rand(-$gravityVectorRand[0] ,$gravityVectorRand[0]) ;
// Error: Line 1710.67: "$gravityVectorRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $xGravityRand = rand(-$gravityVectorRand[0] ,$gravityVectorRand[0]) ;
// Error: Line 1710.89: "$gravityVectorRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $yGravityRand = rand(-$gravityVectorRand[1] ,$gravityVectorRand[1]) ;
// Error: Line 1711.67: "$gravityVectorRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $yGravityRand = rand(-$gravityVectorRand[1] ,$gravityVectorRand[1]) ;
// Error: Line 1711.89: "$gravityVectorRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $zGravityRand = rand(-$gravityVectorRand[2] ,$gravityVectorRand[2]) ;
// Error: Line 1712.67: "$gravityVectorRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $zGravityRand = rand(-$gravityVectorRand[2] ,$gravityVectorRand[2]) ;
// Error: Line 1712.89: "$gravityVectorRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $magnitude = rand( $gravityMagMultiplier[0] , $gravityMagMultiplier[1] ) ;
// Error: Line 1716.67: "$gravityMagMultiplier" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $magnitude = rand( $gravityMagMultiplier[0] , $gravityMagMultiplier[1] ) ;
// Error: Line 1716.94: "$gravityMagMultiplier" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: vector $finalGravityVector = $magnitude * ( $gravityRandVec + $gravityVector ) ;
// Error: Line 1717.94: "$gravityVector" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $finalGravityPlacing = $gravityPlacing + rand( $gravityPlacingRand[0] , $gravityPlacingRand[1] ) ;
// Error: Line 1719.62: "$gravityPlacing" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $finalGravityPlacing = $gravityPlacing + rand( $gravityPlacingRand[0] , $gravityPlacingRand[1] ) ;
// Error: Line 1719.93: "$gravityPlacingRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $finalGravityPlacing = $gravityPlacing + rand( $gravityPlacingRand[0] , $gravityPlacingRand[1] ) ;
// Error: Line 1719.118: "$gravityPlacingRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: if ( ( $distanceThresholdComponent[0] > $xThreshold ) && ( $distanceThresholdComponent[1] > $yThreshold ) &&€ //
// Error: Line 1729.59: "$distanceThresholdComponent" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: if ( ( $distanceThresholdComponent[0] > $xThreshold ) && ( $distanceThresholdComponent[1] > $yThreshold ) &&€ //
// Error: Line 1729.111: "$distanceThresholdComponent" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: ... if ( ( $distanceThresholdComponent[0] > $xThreshold ) && ( $distanceThresholdComponent[1] > $yThreshold ) && //
// Error: Line 1729.163: "$distanceThresholdComponent" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: if (!$reverse) $currentCurve = `curve -degree $curveDegree -ep $startPoint[0] $startPoint[1] $startPoint€ //
// Error: Line 1732.84: "$curveDegree" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: else $currentCurve = `curve -degree $curveDegree -ep $endPoint[0] $endPoint[1] $endPoint[2] -ep $startPo€ //
// Error: Line 1734.74: "$curveDegree" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: else return ;
// Error: Line 1762.17: Use of "return" statement is only valid within a procedure definition. //
// Error: }
// Error: Line 1765.1: Syntax error //
// Error: for ( $particleSystem in $particleSystemArray )
// Error: Line 1788.51: "$particleSystemArray" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: string $curSystemShapes[1] = `listRelatives -children -shapes -fullPath -type "particle" $particleSystem` ;
// Error: Line 1791.113: "$particleSystem" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: int $particleSystemsCount = size($particleSystemArray) ;
// Error: Line 1799.58: "$particleSystemArray" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: if ( $particlesCount <= 1 ) return ;
// Error: Line 1802.40: Use of "return" statement is only valid within a procedure definition. //
// Error: if ( $distance <= $skipIfDistance ) continue;
// Error: Line 1860.47: "$skipIfDistance" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $minimumThreshold = $distanceThreshold[0] + rand($distanceThresholdRand[0],$distanceThresholdRand[1]);
// Error: Line 1863.61: "$distanceThreshold" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $minimumThreshold = $distanceThreshold[0] + rand($distanceThresholdRand[0],$distanceThresholdRand[1]);
// Error: Line 1863.93: "$distanceThresholdRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $minimumThreshold = $distanceThreshold[0] + rand($distanceThresholdRand[0],$distanceThresholdRand[1]);
// Error: Line 1863.119: "$distanceThresholdRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $maximumThreshold = $distanceThreshold[1] + rand($distanceThresholdRand[2],$distanceThresholdRand[3]);
// Error: Line 1865.61: "$distanceThreshold" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $maximumThreshold = $distanceThreshold[1] + rand($distanceThresholdRand[2],$distanceThresholdRand[3]);
// Error: Line 1865.93: "$distanceThresholdRand" is an undeclared variable. //
// Error: float $maximumThreshold = $distanceThreshold[1] + rand($distanceThresholdRand[2],$distanceThresholdRand[3]);
// Error: Line 1865.119: "$dist

Comments on this bug:

  • Forester

    Forester said over 11 years ago:

    BTW, I made the changes you suggested to the Window commands, and neither one worked for me. (I have started with the *.bmp file correctly placed in my icons directory.) After making either change, the window does not appear at all.
  • bolekcg

    bolekcg said over 11 years ago:

    :}guys .... have you tried it within maya 2012 ??
  • bolekcg

    bolekcg said over 11 years ago:

    it seems that something has changed inside of 2013 or 2014.... because for sure it will work inside of 2012 ... I will try to fix it
  • Cody Childress

    Cody Childress said over 11 years ago:

    I can confirm that it is working in Maya 2012 (a little heads up about having to select the locators that were created before "connecting" would have been nice though). The bummer thing is, I'm in 2013 100% of the time, which I imagine will be a growing issue for everybody. This script is super cool, and I really appreciate you making this, from the bottom of my heart. I'd hate to see it come this far to be limited to 2012 users...
  • bolekcg

    bolekcg said over 11 years ago:

    Hi cody childress. Have you tried to execute code in 2013 ? Because it seems to me that it works :) ..... . And I am 100% sure that script works in 2012,2013,2014 exactly the same way :) . Try and let me know here. Anyway ... thanks for calling this script super coll ;) . Best!

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