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Lo Mid High Matte 1.0.0 for Shake

Creates Low, Mid, High Mattes from an image

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Rating: 4.0


  • 3.x, 4.x

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac


Last Modified:09/12/2006
File Size: 6.98 KB
Creates Low Mid and High mattes from an image for grading purposes

Same matte values as the colourCorrect node but is designed for working outside of that node.
The "Low Mid and High mattes" are put into the "Red Green and Blue channels" respectively, (plus it passes through any alpha just to fill the channel.)

Control over lowWeight and HighWeight - Midweight takes care of itself.
plus options to base the mattes on only the R G or B or a custom weighting of the source image.

There is a ramp option to help see what the mattes are actually doing to a basic ramp.

Goes into Color tab although you could argue it should be in the Key tab I guess.

Again thanks to Peter Warner for his help in sorting out the lookup curves for me.


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  • kaiyongman