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Skull Face
Skull Face
Shakey Jake, added 2013-12-16 05:13:16 UTC 20,111 views  Rating:
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    There must be at least 50 people world wide still using Shake that did not move to Nuke! Since Nuke is 3D this tut is for those that use Shake as an external efx pallet like I do.
     Just one more tut I ran across done in Photoshop and wanted to do in Shake. It should have been listed in basic. So basic you pretty much just connect the nodes.
     1. All photos can be found online
     2. All resize nodes are 897x561(the size of "Big Teeth")
     3. Crop was used on "Big Teeth" to pull the top down so the red eye of "Red_Eye" would not be covered
     4. Move3D use for positioning
     5. S_Diffuse from GenArts plung-ins and EdgeMelt from PHYX collection. These were used to mimic a flesh eating bacteria look.
     6. The PSD photo is a screen shot of the finished Photoshop tut

     7. The other screen shop is from the finished Shake tut 