blackappskid reported a bug on Perseus Rigging for Maya for Maya Report 2017-10-09 15:31:42 UTC
<div>The rigging codes have been left out. If it wasn't done deliberately, please reupload them. If it was deliberately left out, then that's reall... (more)
blackappskid commented on Missing Facial and Biped files by Iris heart Report 2017-10-09 15:29:41 UTC
<div>Guys, the author delibrately left out those files. He just posted the selector. On purpose. Otherwise i'm sure there would have been a reply t...
blackappskid posted in Missing Files in PERSEUS FACIAL RIG for Maya Report 2017-10-09 15:26:32 UTC
i feel like if you don't wanna post it, then thats fine. Don't. but it's definitely not cool to delibrately leave out some files and title this pos... (more)
blackappskid commented on Its missing the rigging file by Iris heart Report 2017-10-09 15:25:03 UTC
<div>I'm positive it wasn't a mistake. done on purpose</div>
blackappskid posted in Missing FIles in PERSEUS FACIAL RIG for Maya Report 2017-10-09 15:23:41 UTC
yes it's pretty much useless. And yes he left out the auto rigger on purpose. i feel like if he doesn't wanna post it, then thats fine. He shouldn'... (more)
Comment6 on bug