David Mattock
David Mattock posted in Cannot run the script in Free Control Curves UI for Maya Report 2021-09-26 14:23:59 UTC
Hi, I am trying to get this to work with Maya 2022 but I get this error trying to run it"# Error: NameError: file C:/Users/User/Documents/maya/20... (more)
David Mattock posted in Claws on right hand flippping out in Wolverine (Rig) for Maya Report 2015-07-17 10:52:51 UTC
Hi I sent you the correct file a few days ago, any luck with fixing it ? Many thanks (more)
David Mattock posted in Claws on right hand flippping out in Wolverine (Rig) for Maya Report 2015-07-07 11:57:30 UTC
Hey Ashwin I sent you the requested broken pose last week in a private message but haven't heard anything back yet, any update or fix yet ? as this... (more)
David Mattock posted in Claws on right hand flippping out in Wolverine (Rig) for Maya Report 2015-07-01 16:57:08 UTC
Hi I bought your wolverine character for a project and its great. I have one issue on animating a run cycle The claws on the left hand only are fl... (more)
David Mattock reported a bug on Wing Creator - UPDATE Version 2.0 for Maya Report 2015-06-11 11:36:46 UTC
<p>Hi I'm trying out your amazing script, It looks excellent so thanks for offering this free. <br />I have a problem though that it crashes M... (more)
David Mattock posted in Animation data out of sync in some places in Camera and Object Positions to After Effects for Maya Report 2015-05-05 02:58:25 UTC
Hi Rob, apologies for late reply I've been away all weekend. I've tried everything you suggested with no luck. The locators behave perfectly in M... (more)
David Mattock posted in Animation data out of sync in some places in Camera and Object Positions to After Effects for Maya Report 2015-04-30 13:35:17 UTC
HI Rob I've reduced the project down to just one of the bad rotations, just a few seconds as an example and uploaded to: https://www.dropbox.com/s... (more)
David Mattock posted in Animation data out of sync in some places in Camera and Object Positions to After Effects for Maya Report 2015-04-30 02:36:26 UTC
That would be amazing thanks Rob. Ill create a small section of my After effects project just showing one of the bad bits or there will be too man... (more)
David Mattock posted in Animation data out of sync in some places in Camera and Object Positions to After Effects for Maya Report 2015-04-29 03:13:06 UTC
Hi, firstly thank you so much for this amazing script.I am having one problem where my baked anmated objects from maya when in After effects as Nul... (more)
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