emomobile posted in Maya 2013 in Ninja Fracture for Maya Report 2012-11-24 12:28:30 UTC
Can I assume this doesn't work with 2013? I was afraid of that. I know it isn't listed in the description, and I was trying to find a way to ask in... (more)
emomobile added a feature request to PAIE for Maya Report 2012-02-01 22:47:18 UTC
I'm Running Maya 2012 x64, and when I run the command to bring up the GUI, nothing happens. I assume it's not supported? (more)
emomobile added a feature request to Spiderbot for Maya Report 2011-07-17 19:38:31 UTC
emomobile added a feature request to dinoRig for Maya Report 2011-07-13 00:38:56 UTC
It would be nice to be able to turn off the toe flop entirely. I'm trying to do a shot where he climbs up an incline, and the toe flop is making it... (more)
emomobile added a feature request to Mortimer the Mouse for Maya Report 2010-09-09 19:12:54 UTC
Great rig. Pretty flexible, and tons of controls. Thanks for sharing. I would really like to see an option to switch the tail to FK. Thanks! (more)
emomobile posted in Nico Animations in Nico for Maya Report 2010-08-06 19:13:13 UTC
I thought we could start this thread so that anyone who has made an animation with Nico could post the link here. Here's a walkcycle I did:https://w... (more)
emomobile added a feature request to Dobby for Maya Report 2010-07-22 23:39:42 UTC
Also, I would like a little more control over the corners of the mouth. You get a little control by playing with the emote, etc, but I would like t... (more)
emomobile added a feature request to Dobby for Maya Report 2010-07-22 23:24:10 UTC
This is an awesome rig, first of all. Thanks a ton. I would love to see the ability for have the eye controller (EyesAim) isn't parented to the hea... (more)
emomobile posted in Decapitation in Rigging/Character Setup Report 2010-05-06 02:08:07 UTC
If Lord of the Rings has taught us anything, it's that nothing is cooler than lopping of an orc's head. I'm an animator, and I really don't know to... (more) -
emomobile added a feature request to car for Maya Report 2010-03-11 21:47:26 UTC
This is a great model and a great rig. The only thing that it's missing is a mesh smooth controller (more)
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