Jack Revin
Jack Revin added HZrivet for Maya as a favorite Report 2017-10-15 12:40:52 UTC
my custom rivet scrip wrote by python. flexible & controllable rivet scrip (more)
Jack Revin added UV-Mover for Maya as a favorite Report 2016-11-14 11:08:01 UTC
Simple script for moving uv shells one space for ease of baking maps. (more)
Jack Revin added Auto IKFK switch and stretchy tool for Maya as a favorite Report 2016-10-28 16:43:41 UTC
this is the small tool for maya.create the ikfk controller first (more)
Jack Revin added RigBox_Reborn - IkFk Switch for Maya as a favorite Report 2016-01-20 12:36:02 UTC
A script to quickly set up ik and fk systems inside of Maya, based on a pre-established control structure. (more)
Jack Revin added skinning tool for Maya as a favorite Report 2016-01-13 02:11:19 UTC
usefull ui for edditing skinweights (more)
Jack Revin added autoTangent for Maya as a favorite Report 2015-09-17 12:59:04 UTC
script automatically adusts keytangents as smoth as possible without overshoot (more)
Jack Revin added Springy Channels for Maya as a favorite Report 2015-09-17 12:59:01 UTC
Add oscillating decay to animation (more)
Jack Revin added oaSmoothKeys for Maya as a favorite Report 2015-09-17 12:58:57 UTC
"Blurs" selected keys. (more)
Jack Revin added tweenMachine for Maya as a favorite Report 2015-09-02 16:00:45 UTC
Creates breakdown poses based on surrounding poses (more)
Jack Revin added spPaint3d for Maya as a favorite Report 2015-08-23 04:02:18 UTC
Object placement tool (raycast geometry instancer) (more)