Keytay added a feature request to MayaFPS for Maya Report 2013-09-05 22:24:04 UTC
Keytay added a feature request to Facer for Maya Report 2012-05-20 07:27:11 UTC
Does this work for 2009? edit: looks like it wants to work but the error is "can't find dockcontrol" A later version thing? I would do the d... (more)
Keytay added a feature request to Roof Builder for Maya Report 2011-05-17 21:55:05 UTC
Hi there, Can you tell me how to get this to work? Will it work in maya 2009? I've put it in my scripts folder, opened it in the script Ed, ctr... (more)
Keytay added a feature request to Davveys Stair Generator for Maya Report 2011-03-17 20:00:11 UTC
This a great script, thanks so much for sharing it. I was wondering if it were possible to make it so you can add your own post model? Also if it... (more)
Keytay added a feature request to Random Select for Maya Report 2009-11-28 10:50:14 UTC
This script is brilliant, thanks! I was wondering if you wouldn't mind making one the same but selects random faces on a single object instead. I'm... (more)
Keytay added a feature request to BF_Randomize_Selection for Maya Report 2009-11-28 10:42:54 UTC
Would you be able to make a version that randomly selects faces on a single oblect? That would be awesome! thanks again, KT (more)
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