Shih Hwa Lai
Shih Hwa Lai posted in Error in Substance Painter importer for Maya Report 2017-02-14 16:29:18 UTC
you need to check to see if the py file is on a path that Python can see. Try: 1 2 3 import sys from pprint import pprint pprin... (more)
Shih Hwa Lai posted in qt compatibility layer in Substance Painter importer for Maya Report 2017-02-14 16:27:30 UTC
hi! Maybe you can try use a Qt compatibility layer such as ? so that your script may be compatible with older ve... (more)
Shih Hwa Lai added Ninja Dojo (White Belt) for Maya as a favorite Report 2011-08-08 13:51:14 UTC
Free Version of Ninja Dojo. (more)
Shih Hwa Lai added Ninja Dojo (Black Belt) for Maya as a favorite Report 2011-08-08 13:51:07 UTC
The Full set of Ninja Tools, Ninja Fractrure, Ninja UV, Ninja Scatter, Ninja Light, Ninja Rename, Ninja Mesh (more)
Shih Hwa Lai added "Rapid Rig: Poser" for Maya for Maya as a favorite Report 2011-08-08 13:50:27 UTC
A UI designed to enhance the animation pipeline of the "Rapid Rig: Advanced" (more)
Shih Hwa Lai added Using "Rapid Rig: Advanced" as a favorite Report 2011-08-08 13:50:06 UTC
The rapid rig is a tool designed to bridge the gap between character modeling and character animation. Using the user interface, the script enables... (more)
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