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Quick Basic Hand and Finger Tutorial
Quick Basic Hand and Finger Tutorial
E-Z, updated 2006-04-26 08:14:19 UTC 62,214 views  Rating:
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This will give you a basic idea on how to set up and make a hand with fingers less then "one" minute, in other apps this may take you 20 or 30 minutes

My style of doing things usley are not the same as others, the most common problem people try doing is adding all 4 fingers and thumb on one zsphere,take note how this method is different.

The tip here is, look at my settings:
in tool > adaptive skin (mbr) and (mc) if not set properly the mesh will fold and have creases.
Also notice how i select the chain were the middle knuckle are at and i break the zsphere chain up
this will allow more connecting points to "grab" were the knuckles are at... think of it as adding a single polygon or a edge loop.

Once you have the basic box model of your hand, then your ready to Divide and start sculpting with fine Details.

Quick and Dirty

the download formatt is a ZSC File click HERE>

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