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Painting Skin Video Demo
Painting Skin Video Demo
admin, added 2007-07-24 12:20:14 UTC 46,530 views  Rating:
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Hello Everyone,

Feels like I havent posted in ages so I decided to put this up here. I recorded this in my Z3 class at Gnomon using my old Stingerhead model as a demo. I got a lot of questions about how I hand paint some skins so hopefully this will give you some idea. If there is a good response I will try and do a more detailed capture.

Download the video HERE 36 meg (can't seem to get it smaller without degrading the color info)

To help clarify the stages this image shows the underpainting, motteling (noodling) layers, and then mists of flesh color to the final.

stingerheadPaintProgressions copy.jpg